Forum Discussion

CarolinaK's avatar
Helpful | Level 6
8 years ago

Carthage compilation of ObjectiveDropboxOfficial fails, 'DBFilesCreateFolderResult.h' file not found

I'm migrating the dropbox dependency for an objective C iOS project to v2 by compiling the newest Objective C Dropbox SDK using Carthage. My intention is to add it as a subproject, since it's an older project.


But like the title says, running the following:

carthage update --platform iOS

is failing. Same thing happens if I try to compile the dependency itself on Xcode. According to Xcode and the xcodebuild log, it seems like it can't locate the following header files: DBFILESCreateFolderResult.h and DBSHARINGAudienceExceptionContentInfo.h


The xcodebuild log file has this at the end: 

The following build commands failed:
        CompileC /Users/ckanis/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/dropbox-sdk-obj-c/3.2.0/Build/Intermediates/\ Shared/Generated/Routes/RouteObjects/DBFILESRouteObjects.m normal armv7 objective-c

 Can someone help me understand what's going on? Thanks in advance for the help.


Here's the entire xcodebuild log file:


  • Hi,
    I had this problem too when using it as a Subproject in my App.
    It seams that the .project file is corrupted. There are a lot of header files (.h) files missing.Adding them manually has fixed the problem for me:
    1. You can add them by selecting (one by one) all Groups under "Shared/Generated/ApiObjects" and press "ctrl+alt+A". This will show you the missing files.
    2. After adding them go to the "Subproject/Build-Phase/Headers/" and move all new added .h files to the "Public" section.
    3. Now other errors will occur. There are some removed files. You can see them in the project navigator (left side). Remove them
    4. Now, other errors will occur (FAIL!). Go to your app add the framework AND link the binary. Otherwise the app will crash on startup.
    5. → Build and Run and Enjoy :-)

    Hope this will help you. It took me the hole afternoon.
  • moerschl's avatar
    New member | Level 2
    I had this problem too when using it as a Subproject in my App.
    It seams that the .project file is corrupted. There are a lot of header files (.h) files missing.Adding them manually has fixed the problem for me:
    1. You can add them by selecting (one by one) all Groups under "Shared/Generated/ApiObjects" and press "ctrl+alt+A". This will show you the missing files.
    2. After adding them go to the "Subproject/Build-Phase/Headers/" and move all new added .h files to the "Public" section.
    3. Now other errors will occur. There are some removed files. You can see them in the project navigator (left side). Remove them
    4. Now, other errors will occur (FAIL!). Go to your app add the framework AND link the binary. Otherwise the app will crash on startup.
    5. → Build and Run and Enjoy :-)

    Hope this will help you. It took me the hole afternoon.
    • CarolinaK's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6
      Still adding the files, but at least it gives me direction on what to do next. Thank you! :)
    • CarolinaK's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      So I figured out why exactly this solution doesn't work for me. I am compiling it before my intention of adding it as a subproject. My goal is to add the .xcodeproj file  resulting from compiling dropbox's dependency. 


      I'm not getting any more header file not found errors, but I am getting 

      ld: 2203 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64
      clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)


      And before that a lot of `duplicate symbol` errors on .o files like this 

      /Users/ckanis/Desktop/dropbox-sdk-obj-c-master 2/Source/ObjectiveDropboxOfficial/build/


      • Greg-DB's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
        Thanks for following up. We'll look into it.
  • Greg-DB's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Thanks for the report! We'll look into why this build is failing in the first place.