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Forum Discussion

Ross82's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
9 months ago

Error when uploading files via API


I recently started having issues uploading files to dropbox via API. The error returned is


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request


The output via curl is as below


* using HTTP/1.x
> POST /2/files/upload HTTP/1.1
Host: content.dropboxapi.com
Accept: */*
Authorization: Bearer MyBearerToken
Dropbox-API-Arg: {
"autorename": true,
"mute": false,
"strict_conflict": false
Content-Length: 1130353
Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
< Content-Length: 1005
< Content-Type: text/html
< Vary: Accept-Encoding
< X-Dropbox-Response-Origin: local
< Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2024 10:02:13 GMT
< Server: envoy
< Connection: close
* Closing connection
Anybody know what could be happening?
Thank you in advance
  • Hi Ross82,

    Such an error appear when you have something wrong in your parameters. If you haven't reformatted your headers to post them here, then you have wrong HTTP header (every header in the header block should appear in a single line - your arguments are spread on multiple lines - bad syntax). If not exactly this, then there is something similar. In all cases there is content:

    Ross82 wrote:
    < Content-Type: text/html

    A human readable text that explains in details what's wrong. Something you have cut. 😉 In other words - you have ignored the answer of your question. 😀

    Hope this gives direction.

  • Hi Ross82,

    Such an error appear when you have something wrong in your parameters. If you haven't reformatted your headers to post them here, then you have wrong HTTP header (every header in the header block should appear in a single line - your arguments are spread on multiple lines - bad syntax). If not exactly this, then there is something similar. In all cases there is content:

    Ross82 wrote:
    < Content-Type: text/html

    A human readable text that explains in details what's wrong. Something you have cut. 😉 In other words - you have ignored the answer of your question. 😀

    Hope this gives direction.

    • Ross82's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Thank you very very muc. This solved my issue. I have been using the code for over 2 years with no issues. Just yesterday the issue began. But I am thankful for the solution. It is now working properly. Many thanks