Forum Discussion

Robert S.138's avatar
Robert S.138
Helpful | Level 7
6 years ago

Objective-C Dropbox API very different from v. 2.0.6 to 3.10.0

I had been using ObjectiveDropboxOfficial version 2.0.6 sinc 2016.  Today I updated the SDK using cocoapods "pods update".  All seemed to go well and it said I now have version 3.10.0.  Initially I got "file not found" in my application file when I try to import the dropbox api header.  I solved that by adding $(inherited) to both the Framework Header Search Path and the User Header Search Path in the target build settings.

Now I am working through all the API changes that come up as errors in my application.  Most of them I can figure out by looking for APIs with similar names.  But I have not found the way to get the Server date and time stamp after uploading a file to the server.  There used to be a field in the DBFILESFileMetadata returned that gave the serverModified, which was a dictionary including, among other things, the NSFileModificationDate.  Is there any way to get that data now with version 3.10.0?