Forum Discussion

shaysey's avatar
Explorer | Level 3
4 years ago

sharing/list_file_members do NOT return time_last_seen of members


I'm trying to use the sharing/list_file_members in order to fetch the last time a shared file have been seen by its member.

According to the API, the response for each member should include the field time_last_seen, in case the member have opened the file.


However, it does not matter if members have opened it or not, the field is not being returned at all in the response.


Am I missing anything?


This is the API I'm doing:

curl -X POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>" --header "Dropbox-API-Select-User: <USER_ID>" --data "{\"file\": \"<FILE_ID\"}"

  • Greg-DB's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    From the code you shared, it doesn't look like you're doing anything wrong. I just gave this a try myself and I am seeing time_last_seen set as expected.


    Can you share some more information so I can look into this further? For instance, what steps did you take to share the file, and how did the recipient view it? Additionally, can you share the output you are getting? Feel free to open an API ticket if you'd prefer to share privately. In either case, make sure you still redact the access token. Thanks!

    • shaysey's avatar
      Explorer | Level 3



      Thanks for your response.

      I'm using a Dropbox Standard plan. Can it be related to the fact that only in Dropbox Advanced / Professional state I see the checkbox of  'Viewer history' Is this the feature required in order to see the time_last_seen returned?


      This is an example of the response I get:


        "users": [
            "access_type": {
              ".tag": "viewer"
            "permissions": [],
            "is_inherited": false,
            "user": {
              "account_id": "dbid:XXXX",
              "email": "XXX@XXXXX",
              "display_name": "XXXX",
              "same_team": false
            "access_type": {
              ".tag": "viewer"
            "permissions": [],
            "is_inherited": false,
            "user": {
              "account_id": "dbid:YYYY",
              "email": "YYYY",
              "display_name": "YYYY",
              "same_team": true,
              "team_member_id": "dbmid:YYYYY"
            "access_type": {
              ".tag": "owner"
            "permissions": [],
            "is_inherited": true,
            "user": {
              "account_id": "dbid:ZZZZZ",
              "email": "ZZZZZ,
              "display_name": "ZZZZZ",
              "same_team": true,
              "team_member_id": "dbmid:Z"ZZZ
        "groups": [],
        "invitees": []



      • Greg-DB's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Apologies, it appears that's correct and this field depends on that feature being enabled. I'll bring this up with the team to get that reflected in the API documentation.