Forum Discussion

yvancoyaud's avatar
Helpful | Level 6
7 years ago

using filesGetThumbnail with png.

Hello everyone,


I use the API 'filesGetThumbnail' and I have a problem with the files 'png'.

I'm using

dbx.filesGetThumbnail ({'path': dir/.../file.png, 'size': 'w128h128', 'format': 'png'})

But it does not work and continues to make me thumbnails on the jpeg file ...

Does anyone see where is the error?

Thank you for your reply



  • Greg-DB's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say "it does not work and continues to make me thumbnails on the jpeg file"?

    Are you saying it is operating on the wrong file (i.e., some jpeg file), or it is returning a thumbnail in the jpeg format instead of png?

    If you can share the full sample code to reproduce the issue that would be helpful.
    • yvancoyaud's avatar
      Helpful | Level 6

      Thousands of apologies.

      This is only a syntax error ....

      Everything works nickel.

      Promised, from now on I would be careful before making noise for nothing ...
