Forum Discussion

Amy's avatar
Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
5 years ago

What kind of projects do you use Dropbox for?

We really enjoyed hearing how you use Dropbox for organising important things like pictures, documents and even diplomas. Are there any other projects you use Dropbox for? Whether it’s a project for work, your home, a group collaboration, we would love to hear about the different ways Dropbox can help you get things done.
What kind of projects do you use Dropbox for?Have you used Dropbox for projects in the past? Join the conversation and share your insights below slightly smiling face 
Thank you - from the entire Community team
  • MsKay's avatar
    New member | Level 2
    I continue co creating and expanding my garden. Looking forward to learning how to effectively use Dropbox as a tool for documenting the ongoing process as a photo journal! I am deeply grateful for your support😊🌹LoniKay
    • Amy's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      I’m so glad to hear that LoniKay - there’s nothing better than being able to look back at your progress to keep you motivated. We'd love to see a picture, and who knows, you might inspire others to track their progress too! 

  • Fernand M.'s avatar
    Fernand M.
    Explorer | Level 3

    Est-ce que Dropbox nous offre la possibilité de stocker nos mots de passe? 


    J'utilise KEEPER, est-il possible de faire un transfert vers Drpbox?


    Merci de me répondre


    Fernand Morin

    [personal information removed as per the Community's Guidelines]

  • Wallyone's avatar
    Helpful | Level 5

    Hi Amy,


    Up untiI now I have used Dropbox as storage for my Documents and Photos and a few files that I want to keep close as I'm working with them.  However, now I expect I might be able to learn to use Dropbox in different ways after I read some of the posts that I find here.  I only found out today that this side of Dropbox existed, and I intend to spend a lot of time learning how to use it in ways that will expand my use of Dropbox.




    • Amy's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      Hi Wallyone, I'm delighted to hear that! It's always great to know that you can access your files when uou need to. If you are looking for more information on how to get the most from Dropbox, you can check out the 'Do more with Dropbox' section of the Community, or you can ask a question and get Help from the Community. 

      Hopefully you will discover a lot of useful new features, and enjoy Dropbox even more! 



      • Wallyone's avatar
        Helpful | Level 5

        Hi Amy,

        I'm sorry I'm so late in replying to you, but I've had a bit of turmoil in my life over the last 12 months.

        First off my wife was diagnosed with inoperable Cancer and past away in October.  Then, because I am disabled I was unable to stay by myself, and with both of my children living interstate it was a case of finding an Aged & Disabled Care residence that I could go to.  Luckily my son found one near his home so I moved to Canberra, in the ACT.

        It is only now, that I have started to settle into my new life, and started going through all those things that backed up, during that time.  My main reason for using Dropbox, was to have something far better than a cloud to keep all my work safe & in some sort of order, and to keep my backup's in a place where I know I can get to them if ever I need to after any sort of disaster with my computer. Kindest Regards Wally.

  • LoulouBelles's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Hi Amy


    My reason for using dropbox is because I am a photographer and am trying to share about 800 photos over 5 to 6 folders. I spent 6 days taking images of people walking on a cavalcade. I took photos of the cooks and walkers so have been editing 1000s of images for days. I assumed sharing the folders would be easy through Dropbox.  I have 12% of my 2TB dropbox account used so that is great. Just wanting to ask what you would suggest how I could share this volune of images..


    Kindest regards


  • Borg3's avatar
    Helpful | Level 6

    I use Dropbox to access my personal notes and shared coding programs across mutiple computers and online. This is mostly university study notes that I would like to be accessible whilst working/doing further study.