Mike M.2's avatar
Mike M.2
New member | Level 1
11 years ago

Add file stubs/placeholders so you can see your files but they don't take space on your computer.

I'm considering upgrading my Dropbox but I'm a bit concerned with my ability to sync selective folders. I understand the selective sync feature and this is great since my laptop hard drive cannot hold all the items I would store in Dropbox. But when I select NOT to download a folder to my laptop, that folder disappears from my Dropbox folder in my Finder window. I know it is available via the website but I don't interact with Dropbox via the website. I really enjoy and need to be able to work through the Finder. Is it possible for placeholder icons for folder or documents to be placed in the sync folder so I can at least see an index and have a reference for what is stored in my Dropbox account? Then, if I click on an item it can be downloaded. I tested this with my free account and certain files/folders simply disappeared. This doesn't work at all for my needs as it forces me to use the website. The whole point of my choosing Dropbox was due to the sync folder. Please consider adding this feature to selective sync so the desktop client shows undownloaded items. If I'm forced to use the website, then other services become better options.

  • Ed's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi there,

    Sorry for the late response - are you still having issues?

  • Mike M.2's avatar
    Mike M.2
    New member | Level 1

    This post was basically a feature request. So, yes technically I'm still having the problem. I guess I'm simply looking for a way to use my Dropbox account as a external drive since my laptop has limited space. I function via the sync'd folder in my Finder window so it would be great if I could use that to manage and navigate files that aren't actually stored locally on my laptop (just stored on Dropbox). The whole point of my using Dropbox is for a central storage location. But if I were to pay for 1TB of Dropbox storage, that would mean I need 1TB of disk space to use the folder sync feature. Kinda defeats the purpose. So, I've held off upgrading and just use the free version for my small file needs. I realize I can access files via the website but that is waaaay too cumbersome. I need Finder access for non-local files for it to be useful. A great example of this is the new Photos app on iCloud. I have a full index of pictures I can manage and reference and only download the full version if needed. Wow! If I could have that functionality for files I'd upgrade to Dropbox in a heartbeat and ditch my hard drive. Again, not a problem (unless I'm missing something here) just a feature request and suggestion for how to get an upgrade out of me (and perhaps lots of others)

  • Mike C.50's avatar
    Mike C.50
    New member | Level 2

    Long time Dropbox user & supporter, great software.

    I was thinking this would be a great feature to add to selective sync. You can currently choose to sync, or not sync, certain folders but how about a third option, file stubs.
    Many of us store a lot of data in Dropbox, often more than a typical laptop or desktop can store (e.g. my laptop has 500GB SSD and its not enough). File stubs would take up minimal space but still allow you to still see all the files in Dropbox, if you open a file stub then Dropbox would download a local copy of the file and start sync'ing it.

    In the Dropbox selective sync dialog you could choose to sync, not sync, or file stub a folder. This would be a similar feature to the Dropbox mobile client's Favourite files


    • Mike C.50's avatar
      Mike C.50
      New member | Level 2

      Another enhancement idea

      In Settings -> Account -> Space you can see how your space is consumed.
      It would be useful to be able to see space used by folder so you can drill down to see what areas are consuming the most space e.g. large files etc... Perhaps a pie graph where you can click on a pie section to go down to the next level of folders


    • semi a.'s avatar
      semi a.
      New member | Level 1


      My Samsung 5 device is running Android 5.0, because of the lack of free disk space on internal storage, I started to move applications to my 64 GB SD-card. When I tried to move Dropbox application to the SD-card I noticed that move to SD-card option is grayed out. After some investigation it appeared that possible reason for that is the application doesn't support working on SD-card. This feature is a must as most of the users have GBs of data on their Dropbox account and it consumes most of the space on the internal storage.

      Another option can be that the application will work from the internal storage, but will save all the sync data in to the external storage. If this option will not be available in the near future, I believe most of the users will stop using Dropbox.




    • Mike C.50's avatar
      Mike C.50
      New member | Level 2

      Great to see that with Project Infinite this feature (HSM) has been developed, now hopefully they bring the feature to accounts other than business.  At least all paying accounts as a minimum.



  • James V.1's avatar
    James V.1
    Helpful | Level 5

    Eeeeeexactly. What we want is finder integration like the iOS app with non-local files showing up too with the option to download them. The way iTunes match works. Or Photos app works.
    Why hasn't dropbox or someone else written an app that does this?
    All it has to to is be a native app from which you can view your dropbox and download as and when you want.

  • Niklas S.'s avatar
    Niklas S.
    Helpful | Level 5

    I have a feature request that I would find really useful!
    If I have selective sync on, I still want to see what folders and files I have in my Dropbox. Perhaps it could be an option that made me see all the files and folders, but with a symbol or grayed out that meant that it's not synced because of the selective sync options! Maybe a double-click could start a download?


  • Pelsen's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    We use dropbox a lot and have all our work on there. We have synced and un-synced folders depending on the projects we work on. The un-synced folders are of course gone from your computer, but the overview is lost as well.


    I am suggesting replacing un-synced folders with links to the corresponding folder online. And even better if this link could have "drop file here to upload" functionality to make it easy to backup stuff. This would not only make it easy to save space, but also give the real overview of the folder structure and make it easier to organize files online.


    Fingers crossed this could make it to a future build.




  • Daphne's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status added:

    Just updating to close the loop here.

    This is now possible with Smart Sync, where your files are visible on your desktop without them taking space on your hard drive! Find out more here☁️

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
    Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!