TTBATL's avatar
Helpful | Level 6
6 years ago

Dropbox online - number of subfolders and files in a folder, like file explorer shows


I've been using Dropbox for quite awhile but am new to the Community discussions.

I've searched the Community for an answer to my question, but have not found one that answers the full issue.  I'd like to have information in my online Dropbox that shows for any folder (1) the count of the number of subfolders under it and (2) the total number of files under that main folder including all files in the subfolders.  This is the same information given by File Explorer for folders on the computer.

It would help considerably as I'm uploading a lot of data to Dropbox, and I want to compare to make certain everything gets uploaded.

If this is not available currently, is there a feature request for it?

Thank you so much.