Georgeanna's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
5 years ago

Make a BAA available to individual professional users.

Why not add a BAA option to the individual professional plan?  From multiple online discussions, I know I am not the only solo practitioner who wants a HIPAA compliant app to take psychotherapy notes by hand during sessions (on an ipad or other tablet).  Your only option is Dropbox business, but I would be the only user, and I am already paying a monthly fee for my medical records software (not to mention a secure faxing app)  - I balk at an additional fee that is almost as much. As a very small business, I just cannot justify that cost.  My G Suites for business is less than 10.00 per month and supports a BAA, but I don't love the interface of Google Keep, and would prefer Dropbox paper. 

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    Gathering Support

    Hi Georgeanna; thanks for using Paper!


    This idea is going to need a bit more support before we can share your suggestion with the team so I’ve updated the status to encourage more users to back you up!


    See you around the Community! 

  • mikel05's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Hello, Please add HIPAA compliance to the Professional Individual plan.  There are thousands of us individual owned companies who would like to have it.  Thank you, Michael


  • hellothere123's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Currently, only a team of users can sign a BAA with dropbox; This option is way too expensive and impractical for private practitioners seeking HIPAA compliance for their own individual private practice. Allowing individual (single) users to sign a BAA for HIPAA compliance (without requiring them to be a part of a team) would allow Dropbox to tap into a largely untapped market with few competitors and very high demand. I know of MANY private practitioners who wouuld sign up for this option if it was available for individuals rather than just teams. Dropbox is missing out on a huge market opportunity by continuing to ignore this need. 

  • jegrin1's avatar
    Explorer | Level 3
    I don't see where hipaa compliance storage is open to plus users. Many of us work as solo practitioners and would pay more for our ability to store our documents in a hipaa compliant company.
  • jmcmillian's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Hello developer team,


    I am starting a Wellness Coaching business. I love Dropbox and would like to keep using it for my new coaching business. I am a sole proprietor and in private practice, so I'm a team of one! I would like a HIPPA complaint option on as a plan on Dropbox that is $10-$15/mo. I don't think I am the only entrepreneur in this situation and it would be another market within which you could sell plans. I also think having more complementary HelloSign e-signatures added into the business plans would make sense, instead of up to 3/month for all plans. I might need up to 10 e-signatures a month as a business owner in the coaching profession. That would be an incentive to buy the business plans.


    Thanks, I look forward to your response

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    Gathering Support
    Not for right now

    Thank you for your idea, while we can’t take every idea forward we do regularly re-review and will update you if anything changes!

  • Georgeanna's avatar
    Explorer | Level 4


    I suggest the team reach out to Person Centered Tech. They are a very popular consulting platform that offers trainings and information about technical services that support mental health providers in private practice. If a BAA/HIPPA compliant option was added to the individual dropbox account, I believe they would be willing to promote it, and a great many people would be interested. I am sure relatively few of us read these comments, hence the few responses. 


  • Nancy's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    Not for right now