anonymous's avatar
8 years ago

Multiple photo export to camera roll in iOS

Dropbox for iOS (not sure about Android) does not allow the user to export multiple photos to the camera roll of the mobile device. This is only achievable one at a time by opening the photo and then exporting from within the sub-menu. 


At present there is a option to select multiple files within Dropbox folders but the only resultant function of this is to 'move' files once selected. 


I would suggest that a feature to export multiple photos to a camera roll at once is added. The get-around would be to activate auto photo sync which is not an ideal solution for people only wanting to export certain batches of images. 

  • denni's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    You can already do this in Safari (I know not the native app but whatever) using a helper app such as iZip


    1. Install iZip,
    2. Open Safari.
    3. Go to the shared dropbox folder link.
    4. Click the ... in the top right.
    5. Choose "Direct download"
    6. Click 'Open in "iZip" '.
    7. Click OK on the "Would you like to extract all files?" popup.
    8. Then in that interface, you can select all, and save to camera roll.
  • James L.45's avatar
    James L.45
    New member | Level 2
    Any movement on this feature? It seems like a very good use case for personal-use Dropbox or for photographers. The only real way (but non-Dropbox) to do this is to do Airdrop (assuming its Mac to iPhone), or to use the SD card reader dongle (assuming it's direct from a camera, and not from a photo collection sitting on a PC). The one-by-one method can definitely get really annoying for anything more than 10 photos. This would be a good time for Dropbox to step in and solve a problem in which non-Dropbox solutions are also equally finicky.
  • evelyn75's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    I need to start over with fresh inforemation for emails s codes. need to see some results to learn how this dropbox works, so that I can see a pattern  I have had drop box for everal years and have never seen it work in a logical maner that I can copy and understand.  I see the promotional information but not the results.  I have not even been able to to start a search.  I think the instructions should small steps that  a newby can folow that will be condusive to learning and get memorised for fluent use.

  • Daphne's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for sharing this idea!

    You can now export multiple items on iOS!

    You can do this by tapping the checkbox icon in the top right and choose "Export" at the bottom of the screen. ☑️

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
    Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!