Bradex's avatar
Helpful | Level 5
5 years ago

Search by file name instead of full-text search

Dropbox 'full-text search' is a powerful and convenient feature. However, as I add more and more files to Dropbox, the 'full-text search' feature is becoming more of a hindrance, especially when I don't want to do a 'deep' search.

For instance, I need to find a file with the name 'Apple' on its name. However, the 'full-text search' returns a huge list of files containing the word 'Apple', and the file I need is buried amongst them. 

I request the Dropbox team to make the 'full-text search' an optional feature. That is, for a casual search, Dropbox should search only the file names. If I want a 'deeper' search, I should be able to select/tick 'full-text search' in the next step.
