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OAuth, moving app into production

OAuth, moving app into production

Explorer | Level 4



I'm using the Javscript SDK to build an app where my employees are able to search through specific invoice files on my Dropbox that have been cross checked with the Intuit Quickbooks API.  Am I required to use OAuth to apply for production?  I see there are methods with the SDK to automatically refresh the authorization token and I would prefer to do it like that.  I don't have/want multiple users on my Dropbox,  I'd like this app to just be a middleman where employees have access to a small amount of files.  


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Dropbox Staff

You would need to implement and use the OAuth app authorization flow in order to request and be approved for production status. Note that production status is only required for apps that need to be connected to more than 50 different Dropbox accounts, and without the OAuth flow there isn't a way to connect an app to more than 50 different accounts anyway.


It sounds like your app is only meant for connecting to your own Dropbox account though, in which case you don't need production status.


Note that using a refresh token is a way to get new short-lived access tokens for a single particular account, regardless of how many different accounts are connected to the app overall, or whether the app has production status.

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