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Dropbox ideas

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Dropbox Passwords - Sharing with a group

Dropbox Passwords - Sharing with a group

Explorer | Level 3

We are considering using Dropbox Passwords in our team as a way to share common passwords in a secure way. Currently, it seems to be possible to share a password only with an individual account. Dropbox makes it possible to define groups and share folders with a group. Adding an individual account to a group grants him all the permissions to access folders shared with the group automatically. This is very useful. Do you plan to add the ability to share passwords with groups defined in Dropbox ?

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed due to inactivity. 
Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do! 
Status changed to: Closed
Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
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Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Helpful | Level 6

This would be very useful for companies, likes ours. Group based automatic password sharing via Dropbox Password, would be great and a secure way to manage company wide passwords with groups.

Helpful | Level 5

We have to pay for a plan to use 1Password, in additional to Dropbox.  If there was a way to incorporate, or even charge at a lower rate, a shared password system, we would be all in.

Explorer | Level 3

We have to pay for a plan to use 1Password, in additional to Dropbox.  If there was a way to incorporate, or even charge at a lower rate, a shared password system, we would be all in.

marc safe
New member | Level 2

password extention should be able to share some passwords with co-workers 

Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed due to inactivity. 
Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do! 
Status changed to: Closed
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6 votes received Status: Closed