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Re: Visible Folders are showing pictures on it

Dropbox changed the layout of the folders, which are showing pictures ON the folders now.

Anne V
New member | Level 2

Hi Guys,
Dropbox changed the layout of the folders, which are showing pictures ON the folders now. 
It's driving me crazy because is slows everything down.
is there a button where I can switch this off?


Thank you!

3 Replies 3

Dropbox Staff

Hi @Anne V thanks for posting!


While you are on your home page, scroll down to the All Files section and then go to its far right side. There, you should be able to see a three horizontal lines symbol.


Click that and you should be able to change the layout to a list. That will show your folders as before.


Let me know if this helps!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Anne V
New member | Level 2

Hi Evan,

Thank you for you super fast reply.
That's how I do it now, using the list icon.
I wish they added it as an option or also an on or off icon.
Before I flew through the folders, now I constantly need to refresh the page because it blocks.

I hope they can do something about it in a new update.
But thank you for your help!

Dropbox Product Manager

Hi @Anne V, I work on the product team at Dropbox. Thanks for sharing this feedback! I would love to understand how we can make this a better experience. Can you share more information on how the change has been slowing you down? For example, is it harder to identify your folders due to no longer having icons, is the page loading slower than before, or do you see a spinning loading icon on the folder itself?

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