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I copied my Photos folder from my IMac desktop to Dropbox but now I can't find it.

I copied my Photos folder from my IMac desktop to Dropbox but now I can't find it.

Explorer | Level 3

Hi all, New to this community. 


Hoping someone can help me. I copied my Photos folder from my IMac desktop to Dropbox as I wanted to have an extra copy of my photos. I can still see the photos on my Iphone but the folder is not in Dropbox and it is not on my desktop. Where is it? I figure it must be somewhere as it is still on my phone but I can't seem to get to the actual folder. Any thoughts? Any help is much appreciated! I already contacted the help support but the problem is not yet solved. I didn't realize they are not available on the weekends. Thanks. Sue

9 Replies 9

Super User II

Can you see it at ? 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi Mark, Thanks for reaching out. No, it does not appear in the dropbox either. Very mysterious. Any ideas?

Dropbox Staff

Hi @slwheel34, I hope you're doing well!


Let's jump right into this! 


How exactly did you copy your Photos folder from your iMac to your Dropbox? Can you walk me through the steps that you followed on your end? 


Is it possible that you enabled our Backup feature


Also, if you have any screenshots of the Photos folder and how it looks at the moment, feel free to send them over, in order for me to have a visual of this too. 


Keep me posted, and we'll take it from there!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi, THanks for reaching out. I am working a bit w Kevin but I wanted to show you this to show you the missing Photos folder.Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 1.39.04 PM.pngWhat I originally did is grab the Photos folder from the Finder and drag it over to the Dropbox> Not sure what happened as it never made it to Dropbox and it is not on my Finder either. The photos are still on my phone so they must be somewhere. ICloud? If need be I can move the photos that are on my phone to Dropbox if you have a suitable way to do that. Thanks for any help you can give!


Dropbox Staff

Hey @slwheel34, you can definitely upload your photos from your phone to your Dropbox using our Camera Uploads feature.


However, that won't help locate the Photos folder on your Mac, I'm afraid.


Do you see anything regarding these photos in your account's events page, for example, do you see any upload events?


Also, what's the sync status of the Dropbox app on your Mac? You can hover over the Dropbox icon in your menu bar to check this.

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi, No, I can't but I was able to upload the photos from my phone to Dropbox though so I didn't lose any. They suggested that I create a Photos folder for my Finder but I don't know how to make sure that my new photos are directed to that folder. Any thoughts? Thanks so much.

Dropbox Staff

Hey @slwheel34 - sorry to jump in here, but I wanted to mention that you should be able to copy or move the new photos you upload to your Dropbox account manually from your Dropbox folder to your Photos folder on your computer.


Would that not work for you? 

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi, Thanks for your advice. I followed it and I believe I am all set now. Great customer service!

Dropbox Staff

HI there, @slwheel34!


Glad everything is back on track, and we appreciate your lovely words. 🤗


I'm here to wish you a great Monday, and an even better week ahead. Thanks! :nerd:

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