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Use alt text in the website preview 'info' pane

Use alt text in the website preview 'info' pane

New member | Level 2

As you know the inclusion of ALT TEXT is becoming more and more important due to regulations made in consideration of those who may have accessibility challenges.

First of all, in Dropbox, the INFO pane that appears next to an image does not include the ALT TEXT section that is now a part of the IPTC standard.

What would be nice is to be able to access the INFO section for an image (or a group of images) and edit the IPTC. This would include the ability to add or edit the ALT TEXT section within Dropbox itself.


Perhaps there is a way to add ALT TEXT automatically to images within dropbox using Dropbox AI? This would be most helpful.


Just a thought....thank you.

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
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Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
If you like this idea, please share how this would help you, and vote to show your support. 
Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
Status changed to: Gathering Support
New member | Level 2

This would be incredibly helpful. I save images of dozens of people and having to have a separate file for alt text is time consuming and frustrating.

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1 votes received Status: Gathering Support