Forum Discussion

Graham's avatar
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10 months ago

What’s your favorite Dropbox Replay feature?

If you’re a member of this group, it's probably safe to say that you’ve been using Dropbox Replay and you liked it enough to come and join. Thanks for that! Now, we would love for you to tell us the one thing you like best about Replay.
We heard from Calvin about how he loves comments and reactions, but we want to hear from you! What’s the Replay feature you use the most? Or just like the best?
Personally, my favorite feature is marking up ‌videos. When I’ve worked on video projects in the past, giving or getting feedback has been really awkward, especially at the review stage, when not everyone (especially me) is as knowledgeable about the production process. Marking up saves so much hassle and helps to speed the process up. 
Gif showing marking up a video on Dropbox Replay



Let us know about your favorite feature, or if there’s anything else you’d like to see us talk about here in the group, if we know what you want, we can share more advice to help!
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