Forum Discussion

Kuki's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
6 years ago

Unable to fecth files and folders from Team folders

I am using the Dropbox Business API and trying to fetch Folders and Files present into my team folder (If you will see I have created a "General Information" folder) (The folder which is out side of Member folders purpple color)
but I am not able to fetch anything using this API..

Although I can fetch all the files and folders present into Purpple color Folder(team member and Admin) but the folder which is outside of member folder creating issue.
I read your documentation and seacrhed lot of things but not find any solution.
Some where it is written that using namespaces it is possible, I tried with it as well but unsuccesfful.
Could ypu please tell me the exact code how to do it

  • The exact number of entries you get back per /2/files/list_folder[/continue] page is not guaranteed. Sometimes the API may return more entries per page, and sometimes it may return fewer.

    Regardless of how many entries were returned, your app needs to always check the 'has_more' value and call back for more entries if it's 'true'.

  • Greg-DB's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    By default, API calls will operate inside your "member folder" (the purple folder), but you can configure them to operate in the "team space" (above the member folder) if you want. To do so, you need to set the 'Dropbox-API-Path-Root' header. You can find information on how to use that in the Namespace Guide here:

    If something isn't working as expected, please share the code and unexpected output (but redact your access token).

    • Kuki's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      Thank You for your reply: Please see my code and process I followed below:

      1. STEP1: First I tried to find the the namespace ID's of the folder I have creared. I got the following output when I executed the API:

      [namespaces] => Array
      [0] => Array
      [name] => Your team's shared workspace
      [namespace_id] => 6131728736
      [namespace_type] => Array
      [.tag] => team_folder


      [1] => Array
      [name] => Sales
      [namespace_id] => 6131729056
      [namespace_type] => Array
      [.tag] => shared_folder

      [2] => Array
      [name] => Custom_team_folder
      [namespace_id] => 6512687312
      [namespace_type] => Array
      [.tag] => shared_folder



      2. STEP2: Then I call this API and passed the Namespace Id "6512687312" into my code, to get the list of files and folder present into the "Custom_team_folder" .
      But I got this error:
      "Operation completed without any errorsError in call to API function "files/list_folder":
      This API function operates on a single Dropbox account, but the OAuth 2 access token you provided is for an entire Dropbox Business team. Since your API app key has team member file access permissions, you can operate on a team member's Dropbox by providing the "Dropbox-API-Select-User" HTTP header or "select_user" URL parameter to specify the exact user."

      Could I know How can I solve this error, why I am getting this error

      This is My code: I used CURL using PHP:


      $data = array("path"=>'');
      $payload = json_encode($data);

      $ch = curl_init('');

      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$payload);

      $headers = array(
      'Content-type: application/json',
      'Dropbox-API-Path-Root: {".tag": "namespace_id", "namespace_id": "6512687312"}',
      'Authorization: Bearer <REDACTED>',

      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

      if(curl_exec($ch) === false)
      echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch);
      $result_file_names = curl_exec($ch);
      echo 'Operation completed without any errors';




      Please see the screen shot for more reference:



      I hope I will get the solution now.

      • Greg-DB's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Thanks for the additional information. Please note that you should never share your access token like this. I've redacted it from your post, but you should revoke the token since you shared it publicly.

        Anyway, you're getting this error because you're using an access token for an entire Business team to call a user-specific endpoint. You can do so, but you'll need to specify which team member to operate on. You can find information on how to do so under the "Member file access" section here: