Forum Discussion

ElsayedGamal's avatar
Explorer | Level 3
7 years ago

How can i upload file to my Dropbox account with vba ?

Hello My Friends

i need to upload file to my drobpox account by vba with access database

how can i d that ?

  • Lusil's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    If you’re trying to do this through the desktop app, please note that your Dropbox folder is just like any other folder on your hard drive, but with syncing features. In other words, you can save a file your have on your computer in the Dropbox folder, and it will sync the file to the website and other connected devices. 
    If you’re having trouble doing this, or if I’ve misunderstood what it is you’re trying to achieve, could you please elaborate a bit more on this and, if you’re seeing an error, could you please send me a screenshot (omitting any personal info) illustrating the behavior you’re experiencing?
    Thanks! :slight_smile:
    • ElsayedGamal's avatar
      Explorer | Level 3

      thanks for reply

      i need to upload file with code to my online dropbox 

      i found that code but i need to know how i use

      like where i will put my username and passwod of my dropbox account ?

      and wher i will put my online drobpox folder Url

      and what is my online drobpox folder Url

      Public Sub DB_PutFile(FileName As String)
      Dim req As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
      Dim strFile As String
      Dim Pos1 As Integer
      Dim Pos2 As Integer
      Set req = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60
      Dim arg As String
      strFile= ReadBinary(FileName)
      arg = "{""path"":""/" & FileName & """,""mode"":{"".tag"":""overwrite""},""autorename"":false,""mute"":true}"
      req.Open "POST", "", False
      req.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
      req.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"
      req.setRequestHeader "Content-length", Len(Result)
      req.setRequestHeader "Dropbox-API-Arg", arg
      req.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "api-explorer-client"
      req.send strFile
      If req.Status = 200 Then
      Debug.Print req.responseText
      'MsgBox req.Status & ": " & req.statusText
      Debug.Print req.responseText
      End If
      End Sub


      • Lusil's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
        Thanks for the swift reply, ElsayedGamal
        Could you please clarify if you’re creating an app that uses the Dropbox API? If so, please let me know and I can forward this thread to the appropriate section.
        Let me know and I’ll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible!