Forum Discussion

Amy's avatar
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5 years ago

The State of Collaboration: IT

Over the last year, Dropbox has teamed up with research house, Vanson Bourne, to learn how organisations collaborate around the world, to understand the challenges they face and the improvements they require to drive their business forward. Of course, once Dropbox got the results, we wanted to share it with our community.
We will even have some different industry perspectives, and some extra insights from some of our Super Users so stay tuned for that. 
For now, we took a look at how technology organizations in the US think about collaboration and the ways of working over the last year. 
Time spent on non-critical tasks in IT organizations, and the results of that.


Do you find that you spend a lot of time on non critical tasks? And do you think that results in lagging innovation?
Creating a collaborative culture predictions - increased productivity, innovation and success.


Do you agree that a collaborative culture will improve productivity overall?
89% believe a connected workspace will result in improved team work and more.


The Dropbox team has created a survey to find out how your group works collaboratively. Based on your group, you’ll receive a quick summary of what your result means, but also a report tailored to your organisation filled with insights, best practice and practical solutions. It will also show you how you compare to others in your industry and provide recommendations to help you achieve the next level of collaboration. 
You can also read about collaboration in more detail, and looking at more industries here. 
Tell us what you think the future of collaborative work will be, will it remove inefficient time wasting, or make it easier to work through tasks in a way that makes sense for you and your coworkers? 
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