aflasch's avatar
New member | Level 1
2 months ago
Gathering Support

Can we have auto-play on video files, PowerPoint presentations etc?

I would like to see autoplay on videos. Power point presentations, etc...

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey aflasch - thanks for sharing your thoughts on this with us.

    When you say autoplay, can you please elaborate a tad to make sure we're on the same page? 

    Also, are you referring to the Dropbox mobile app or the Dropbox website perhaps? 

    Keep us posted!

    • aflasch's avatar
      New member | Level 1

      It is to do with Power Point presentations so that when a person is given the link to the specific PP in the website it will auto play. 
      Is that a little clearer?

  • Walter's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    So, you'd like to share a link to your PowerPoint presentations with others and have the linked file auto-play directly on the website when they access the link. Is that right aflasch

  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Status changed:
    Gathering Support

    Thanks for the clarification, aflasch!

    And everyone, this idea is open!

    If you like this idea, please share how this would help you, and vote to show your support.

    Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.