I built an app using Dropbox's python SDK and Dropbox app console. My app doesn't run 24/7, hence I use ngrok to connect to Dropbox's webhook. The issue is the link for webhook is different every time I turn it on, so I need to add it manually. Not a big deal, but the app's configuration: "refresh_token", ..etc.. is connected to my account (This app was created under my account). Have been trying to figure it out but I don't see any option to add another user/team member to the app's console. Is there a way for another team member to access the app console, so they can add the webhook URL by themselves every time they run the Python app on their local machine, or change the dropbox app's "Settings" or "Permissions", instead of asking me to add the webhook URL to the Dropbox app console for them? I don't want to share my Dropbox account and password with my coworkers.