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Allow us to show/hide sidebar items on the website

Allow us to show/hide sidebar items on the website

Helpful | Level 6

I love new features, don't get me wrong, but not at the cost of them cluttering up the UI with features I rarely (or never) use. The sidebar on the web keeps growing with no way to tame it. How about implementing a Gmail-style menu system where you can bury menu items you don't want to see, but can still access if need-be... this way the UI can be more tuned to how an individual uses it?

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been passed along to the team for review.
Thanks for your suggestion and to everyone who has supported this idea so far!
Status changed to: Investigating
Dropbox Staff

Hi Eden

I can see that making sense, thanks for the suggestion! Btw, I moved your thread to 'Product Feedback' so other people can chime in with suggestions too. 

Are there any specific items that you're not using at all and would like to be hidden by default?

Helpful | Level 6

Well, I'm on Dropbox Business, but I use it as an individual for the sole purpose of the unlimited space... so things like:

  • Personal (don't have a Personal account as there's no need)
  • Team (No need for it)
  • Photos (It's pretty useless as it indexes everything... 75% of which aren't what I'd consider "photos")
  • Events (with the addition of Recents, I don't ever see me going back in there)
  • Admin Console (I don't need to see that unless I need to go in there, which is rare)

It would be nice to be able to just clean up that sidebar to make it streamlined to a particular workflow.

Dropbox Staff

Interesting points Eden. Being a Dropbox Business user, I assume you have other team members who may share similar feedback. Do you feel the same happens to them? (feel free to ask them to join this discussion and post their thoughts too)

Thanks again!

Helpful | Level 6

I have no other team members. I only have Business for the unlimited storage space.

Dropbox Staff

Oh ok. Thanks for sharing. I'll pass your feedback internally. 

Helpful | Level 6

Thanks. I know it's possible to hide items via a browser extension by hacking into the CSS, but... rather not have to go that route.

Dropbox Staff

Yeah - I get you. Thanks again and please keep sending feedback, really appreciate it (even if I or other Dropbox employees don't reply to it, we read it here!)

Explorer | Level 4

If you go to the page is divided into three areas: files in the center and two left and right side bars.

The two side bars take a lot of space such that folder/file names in the center are shortened too much. This is very disturbing. I am using Chrome browser.

I would suggest to develop a solution, e.g. to hide/unhide or resize the two side bars.

In the meanwhile, one is forced to either open a single browser window and resize onto two screens, or reduce the font.

Dropbox Staff

Hey @MicioGeremia, thanks for checking in with us!

I moved your post to our Share an idea so that, as @Walter mentions here, other users who share your interest comment and upvote your feedback. 

Give us a shout if you have any other questions!

New member | Level 2
+1 for this along with the facility to have a "wide" document option
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132 votes received Status: Investigating