Forum Discussion

Adrian112's avatar
New member | Level 2
6 years ago

Check if a given path is file or folder


I am trying to use your API and to check if a path is a file or a folder. For folders works ok but when I find in my path a file the request crashes with {".tag":"path","path":"not_folder"} (which is normally ).

Here is my code:

String currentUrl = url != null? url :"";
		ListFolderResult result = UploadFileToDropbox.createDropBoxConnection().files().listFolder(currentUrl);
		if(result.getEntries().size() >0) {
			for (Metadata metadata: result.getEntries()) {
				if(metadata instanceof FileMetadata)

How can I check before this line:

		ListFolderResult result = UploadFileToDropbox.createDropBoxConnection().files().listFolder(currentUrl);

If the current URL is a file in order to prevent this request to fail.

Thank you.