Forum Discussion

Ross_S's avatar
Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
5 years ago

Introducing:: Saving files from Slack to Dropbox




Have you ever tried to search for an important file on Slack?  Do you love storing and organising all of your files on Dropbox? 
You can now save files from Slack to your Dropbox! 
All Dropbox users who also use Slack
How do I use it
  1. Connect your Dropbox account to Slack:
  2. Go to the connected Slack workspace and find a message with a file
  3. Click the ⋮ menu and click Save to Dropbox (If it is not there, click More message shortcuts… and search Save to Dropbox. You only need to do it once.)
  4. The file will automatically be saved to your Dropbox user folder under /Slack/<workspace>
    More ideas
    If you have more ideas on how we can improve our product then check out our Paper ideation board here, or our Dropbox Business ideation board here. Request improvements, suggest ideas, we’ll review them and try and improve our product.
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