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Graham's avatar
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9 months ago

How to Delete files from your Dropbox account

From time to time, you might need to delete some files or folders from your Dropbox account. This might be done to free up some space to add new files or simply as a bit of house keeping, either way it’s really easy to do.
There are two options when it comes to deleting files. The first is deleting them normally; this means that you won’t see them in your Dropbox account, but they will still be available for a period of time (at least 30 days) in case you decide you don't want to delete them. These files can be recovered by following the steps in this post. The second option is to Permanently delete them, this means that they will be gone from you Dropbox account with no way to recover them.

How to Delete files and folders from your Dropbox account



  • Login to
  • Hover over the file you want to delete and click on‌ the three dots
  • From the dropdown menu select Delete
  • Then click Delete again from the window to confirm

How to permanently delete files from your Dropbox account



  • Login to
  • Select Deleted files from the left-hand sidebar
  • Check the box beside the file or folder you want to permanently delete
  • Click where it says Permanently delete on the right of the page
  • Enter your password
  • Click Permanently delete to confirm
Well that’s deleting files and folders well and truly covered, so please let us know what you’d like to learn about next and if we can, we’ll make a simple step-by-step guide to show you how it’s done
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