Forum Discussion

Sharon O.5's avatar
Sharon O.5
Explorer | Level 3
6 years ago

Camera Uploads on 2 different phones

My husband and I are currently syncing photos in our phones into dropbox automatically .

Is there a way to create two seperate folders, one for him and one for me because it gets so confusing with both our photos in a single "camera upload" folder. Dropbox please help!!

Thank you in advance!

  • No, that's not possible. All devices linked to an account will upload to the same Camera Uploads folder.

    You could create two folders and move your photos to your own folder as soon as you're done uploading, leaving the Camera Uploads folder empty until the next upload.

  • Rich's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    No, that's not possible. All devices linked to an account will upload to the same Camera Uploads folder.

    You could create two folders and move your photos to your own folder as soon as you're done uploading, leaving the Camera Uploads folder empty until the next upload.

    • dugongy's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      NOT SOLVED This is [removed by moderation according to our Community Guidelines] and needs to be changed

      What other cloud storage is there that will do this. I need the photos to be seperate

    • djg7's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      This must have changed.  My photos went to Camera Uploads and husband's photos used to go to a shared folder called Camera Uploads from John until Dec 28 2018 when we both got new phones.

      • Rich's avatar
        Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

        djg7 wrote:

        This must have changed.  My photos went to Camera Uploads and husband's photos used to go to a shared folder called Camera Uploads from John until Dec 28 2018 when we both got new phones.

        Nothing has changed. More than likely you were using two different Dropbox accounts and John simply shared his Camera Uploads folder with you. Now, it would seem by your message, you're both signed into the same account on your phones.

        When using the same Dropbox account, there's no way to separate Camera Uploads by device. They will always go to the Camera Uploads folder.

  • DrSin's avatar
    New member | Level 2

    As stated above, there is no way to separate uploads from 2 different devices. You will have to manually separate them.

  • tbrennan's avatar
    Helpful | Level 6

    I can see where dugony was annoyed and probably left a less than courteous response.  However, I'm certain to have agreed with whatever sentiment he expressed.  I see that no solution has been forthcoming since 2017, probably when the photo sync feature was released.  I'm actually wondering if dropbox employees use dropbox.  Here the solution is to make our lives easier.  No, I don't want to manually move my photos into folders.  No I don't want to store them on a floppy disc and walk them over to dropbox headquarters.  I'm paying for 3 TB of space, and in this world where we have multiple computers, multiple phones, tablets and other devices, how difficult would it actually be allow the user to create a subfolder when loading dropbox on a new device?  Wow.

    • xavierr's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      I agree. This issue is NOT solved.

      We are paying a lot of money for dropbox (price up ~15% in Canada!).

      If dropbox doesn't implement such basic features, another cloud backup provider will, and I will move my account to that provider. I suspect many others will do the same. 

      Users are sticky, but only up to a certain point.

  • Kai_'s avatar
    New member | Level 2

    Now it has been 4+ years since the problem has been brought up. This is not a technically challenging feature that requires multiple teams to develop for years. In fact, I believe even an intern should be able to handle. I am seriously considering that this is a business decision made by Dropbox to explicitly not allow users to seperate their photos when using multiple devices. 

    This should be a very very common situation/usecase for a family when they want to have all pictures saved to cloud while still have some handy seperation. But, no, this is not supported. Instead, they append the ugly "(1)" at the end of the filename when there is a photo filename conflict. How can such solution passed the internal design review with no future action item to reduce the chance of happening?


    For me, this decision implies few messages:

    "If you want the convenience, pay for multiple account."

    "If you hate dealing with these scrambled picture or hate the filename, don't upload and save us the space."

    "Customer experience is not the first priority of the company."

    • HassanArif's avatar
      New member | Level 2

      Why this is marked as closed, while the issue is still open and NOT resolved

      • BeetleJuice's avatar
        New member | Level 2

        Hi Dropbox,


        It would be great if I could use my singular drop box account to synch multiple iphones without them going into the same shared camera folder. That way my wife and I can free up space on icloud and not have to buy another drop box account. 


        Other than that we love the  service.