Forum Discussion

Santa72's avatar
Helpful | Level 5
2 years ago

Cannot unlink Dropbox from Google Account

I cannot figure out how to unlink my dropbox account/login from my Google account on my PC laptop.  On my PC laptop I do not use a Dropbox app, but anytime I go to "" it gives me the option to continue login using my Google account.


I don't want that if it won't prompt me for a password.  I have someone that will be periodically using my laptop and need my dropbox account unavailable.


Searching the web for how to do this I have come across references to logging in as an admin and going to "Admin Console" but I cannot find that the options/selections to follow the steps.

  • I finally figured it out after some digging, and not sure how I missed this before.

    Had to login to my Google account, select, “Manage your data & privacy” under “Privacy & personalization” and then scrolled down to, “Data from apps and services you use”. Dropbox was listed under “Apps and services”.

    Unsure how I missed that before but that resolved the issue. Thanks to Megan and Rich for responding yesterday (12/7/23).
  • Megan's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hi Santa72, let's jump right into this! 


    Have you tried signing out of your Google account, beforehand and then trying to see if Dropbox will prompt you to sign in using Google Sign-In?


    Keep in mind that, In order to have an admin console, you'd need to be part of our Business plans. If you're on a Basic account, you wouldn't have that option.


    Let me know of any updates! 

    • Santa72's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5
      Hi Megan. Thanks for replying.

      To confirm, I have a Basic account and am not on any type of Business plan.

      If I sign out of my Google account (it shows as “Paused” in the top right corner of Google Chrome) and then go to it does not prompt me to sign in using Google Sign-in. Once I sign back in to my Google account and then go to it automatically signs me in to my Dropbox account.
    • Santa72's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5
      I finally figured it out after some digging, and not sure how I missed this before.

      Had to login to my Google account, select, “Manage your data & privacy” under “Privacy & personalization” and then scrolled down to, “Data from apps and services you use”. Dropbox was listed under “Apps and services”.

      Unsure how I missed that before but that resolved the issue. Thanks to Megan and Rich for responding yesterday (12/7/23).
  • Rich's avatar
    Icon for Super User II rankSuper User II

    Santa72 wrote:

    I have someone that will be periodically using my laptop and need my dropbox account unavailable.

    The proper way to do this is to create another computer user account for this person. When they need to use your computer, you sign out of the computer and they sign in with their own account. This will keep all of the files and settings in your own user profile secure, including access to your Dropbox and Google accounts.

    • Santa72's avatar
      Helpful | Level 5
      Rich - I understand what you are saying but respectfully I disagree with this being a resolution. Your response is turning a blind eye to the issue at hand, which is that there should be a simple way to unlink Dropbox from Google so that if a person is signed in to their Google account it automatically provides permissives to login to Dropbox on a PC without providing the ability to enter a password. The issue is no password is currently required to login to Dropbox even if I sign out. As soon as I type “” it gives the option to login without password needed.