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Re: How to get upload progress with Java SDK v2?

How to get upload progress with Java SDK v2?

New member | Level 2

Hi everyone,


I have searched the Dropbox documentation on its Developers page and on Stackoverflow, and I haven't found a way to get the upload progress of a file in the Java SDK v2. Could someone help me with this?


PD: I want the upload progress to show it in a JProgressBar.


Thank you so much.

3 Replies 3

Super User II
Moved to the API forum.

Dropbox Staff

[Cross-linking for reference:]


The API v2 Java SDK doesn't currently expose progress listeners for uploads, but I'll be sure to pass this along as a feature request. 

Dropbox Staff

The Dropbox API v2 Java SDK now offers progress listeners for uploads and downloads. This has been released in v3.0.9:

There's an example of using it with with the uploadAndFinish method ( ) for an upload here:

It works the same way with file downloads; the download method ( ) optionally takes a ProgressListener parameter the same way.

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