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Re: Meet our team!

Meet our team!

Community Manager
Hi all,
You may have seen some users with the title 'Dropboxer' and wondered who are they and where do they come from. 
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our Dropbox moderators (guess what? They’re not bots :robot: )!
You might also have spotted some Super Users. You can find out more about them here.
I’ll get the ball rolling…
Name: Emma
About me: I'm your Community Manager, I’ve been working at Dropbox for almost a year now and using Dropbox for almost a decade :open_mouth: 
A fun fact about me is that I have a very addictive nature with gaming apps (I won’t tell you how far I got in Candy Crush before I made myself delete it). Currently its to a crossword app - I didn’t say they were good games!
Feel free to @ me if you get stuck or just want to say hi! :grinning:
My favorite Dropbox feature: Paper is my life :heart_eyes:
25 Replies 25

Dropbox Staff

Hey @Gregg S.3 !

It is very nice to meet you, too! :penguin:

It always makes me happy when people from different backgrounds are interested in Japanese culture 🙂 Hopefully I can teach calligraphy internationally in the near future.

Thank you for sharing the link by the way, I have added it to my list of anime/manga to read 🙂

Hope you enjoy Dropbox like we all do :slight_smile:


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Dropbox Staff
Name: Fiona
About me: I am very very talkative. I like watching global news to have interesting topics to talk about and be up to date with what is going on :white_check_mark:. I am all about finding solutions, so my type of fun would be an escape room.  :dart:
Best part of my job is discussing users' new ideas and reporting them to the team. 
I have been with Dropbox for the last three years and am so honored for the opportunity to work in our Community! My goal here is to understand your needs and where you are coming from, to assist you the best way possible, no matter what comes up! :grin: 
My favorite Dropbox feature: All our new integrations with third party apps have made my life easier! :sunglasses:/ Love editing my Dropbox pics and screenshots with Pixlr! Heart

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

Heart Did this post help you? If so, please give it a Like below. 
:white_check_mark: Did this post fix your issue/answer your question? If so please press the 'Accept as Solution' button to help others find it.
:arrows_counterclockwise: Still stuck? Ask me a question! (
Questions asked in the community will likely receive an answer within 4 hours!)

Dropbox Staff
Name: Rafael.
About me: I’m a moderator for the Spanish Community. I’m fairly new here but I’ve been using Dropbox for more than I can remember. I enjoy riding horses :unicorn:, cooking for my friends and it is always a pleasure to share a beer with new people :grin:
Soy moderador del foro en español. Llevo poco tiempo por aquí pero he usado Dropbox desde sus inicios. Disfruto montando a caballo, cocinando para mis amigos y siempre es un placer tomar unas cervezas con gente nueva.
My favorite Dropbox feature: Smart Sync :white_check_mark: 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

Heart ¿Te ha sido de ayuda este post? Si es así dale un like un poco más abajo. 
:white_check_mark: ¿Te ha ayudado este post a resolver tu caso/duda? Si es así, por favor, haz clic en 'Aceptar como solución' button para que otros usuarios la puedan encontrar.
:arrows_counterclockwise: ¿Todavía sin una solución? ¡Pregúntame! 

Dropbox Staff
My turn!

About me: Hi there! My name is Astrid and I am currently the newest Moderator for the German Community forum. I have been with Dropbox since 2018 and have been a user of the service from way before that. :wink:
I love reading fantasy books as well as playing pen & paper RPGs (such as Dungeons & Dragons). I love cooking, yoga and cycling and whenever possible - mostly during the summer - I love going for a swim! I also spend some of my free time gaming on my PC and my favourite series of games on PC is „The Witcher“, adapted from Andrzej Sapkowski's amazing book series. :heart_eyes:
My favorite Dropbox feature: I will have to go with Dropbox Paper. I absolutely love it!
Bis gleich beim deutschen Community-Forum! 🙂

Forum-Moderator @ Dropbox

Heart War dieser Beitrag hilfreich? Falls ja, so können Sie ein „Like“ hinterlassen. 
:white_check_mark: Hat dieser Beitrag Ihr Problem gelöst? / hat er Ihre Frage beantwortet? Falls ja, so können Sie auf den 'Als Lösung akzeptieren' -Knopf klicken, um Anderen das Auffinden der Hilfe zu erleichtern.
:arrows_counterclockwise: Problem nicht gelöst? Fragen Sie mich direkt! 

Dropbox Staff
Name: Alex 
About me: Hi there! I'm the Engagement Manager for the Dropbox Community. It's wonderful to have this space where we can share our thoughts, our ideas, our experiences and get to know each other. I’m a relatively new member of the team. I started in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic. Yikes! Talk about a roller coaster year. 
I am a salsa dancer, a horror movie lover, a crazy cat lady and I eat way too much pasta. I am also one of those Super Nintendo freaks (yes, I was a kid in the 90's) and I love to travel...hopefully we'll be able to do that again soon 🤞
Don't hesitate to @ me if you want to discuss epic fantasy novels, augmented and virtual reality, multicultural amazingness, instruct me on healthy recipes 😉 or chat about your Dropbox story. 
My favorite Dropbox feature: Definitely Dropbox Desktop and Mobile apps to sync docs between my devices. 

New member | Level 2

Hello! Nice to meet you! ♥️

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