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Re: Logic Pro X projects stored in Dropbox don't show up in "Recent"

Logic Pro X projects stored in Dropbox don't show up in "Recent"

Helpful | Level 6
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Hi all, this is a niche issue and probably not Dropbox's "fault", but thought I'd ask here just in case.


Since I upgraded to the latest version of Dropbox for Mac (which moved the folder location, etc.), Logic Pro X projects stored in Dropbox no longer show up in File > Open Recent or in the Recent tab of Logic's startup window. 


The same thing was already happening with Google Drive for Desktop, so I would guess it's a general issue with the File Provider API. However, projects stored in iCloud Drive do show up in Recent. 


Other Apple apps (TextEdit, Pages) will show files from Dropbox in the Open Recent menu. (And Dropbox-stored Logic projects do show up in Recent Items under the top-left Apple menu.)


Making the folders available offline doesn't help.


Running Logic 10.7.6 in Ventura 13.1 on an M1 MacBook Pro.


Any ideas?

93 Replies 93

Helpful | Level 5
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I'm back to the drawing board. I've tried iCloud+ and it's not great if you need to sync between different computers. You can't customise which folders to sync and the whole system seems too broad and lacking in features I take for granted in Dropbox. You can't even pause sync. I'm hoping Dropbox will find a fix for 'recent items' not showing up in Logic soon 🙏🏼

Explorer | Level 4
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Same here! It’s been so annoying not to be able to use recent items in logic since Dropbox’s update. Hopefully a fix comes soon.

This also goes for Final Cut. I’m no longer able to open or save library files in Dropbox folders.

New member | Level 2
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Not just me then. I couldn't work out my some past projects appeared and others didn't but yes 100% consistent with them being in Dropbox. Awaiting resolution when it comes...

Helpful | Level 6

Hallelujah! It's fixed in Logic 10.8!

F Stuart L.
Helpful | Level 6

Finally! It only took like...2 years.  First step, Apple:  ADMIT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM....

Explorer | Level 4

Oef the update is only available for newer iOS users... I'm not ready to update from 13.0. Still having issues with Plugin Alliance and such 

Helpful | Level 6

Good to hear. What OSX version are you using? 

Helpful | Level 6

Sonoma 14.1

Helpful | Level 6

Thanks. I'm wondering if what fixed the glitch is the new Logic version (which can be installed on 13.5), or the new OSX... 

Explorer | Level 4
Hi! I would really like to know if this is sonoma or Logic 10.8. Could anyone check this please?
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