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Re: Dropbox is up to date but still draining all my bandwidth

Dropbox is up to date but still draining all my bandwidth

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i've been using dropbox without any problems in the last 5 years, it was my main cloud, but suddenly it started to drain all my bandwidth,  unabling me to use my internet service, even when it was up to date.

now i have to exit dropbox right after i start windows and the i have to end task on dropbox update on task manager a few times, because it restarts automatically.

since i only have a very limited 3G internet service, i'm always very carefully to never accept automatic updates. i already checked the dropbox preferences and i'm sure that there are no automatic updates active. so, what can cause this problem?

for now i'm going to avoid to use dropbox again, but i'd really like to find a solution to prevent this problem so i can use dropbox again.

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not in the last 2 weeks. i'm still on a place with a poor internet connection for one more week, i hope it doesn't start again soon.

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Dropbox Staff
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Hey there, is the issue only that the Dropbox desktop application trying to update?

There isn't currently an option in the Dropbox settings to prevent the app from downloading updates, so I'm a little confused as to how you're preventing this.

Could you provide a few more details on this matter in order to assist further? Thanks!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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I'm facing this problem again. In fact I really can't even find a way on settings to permanently prevent Dropbox from doing those crazy automatic updates.

It acts like a virus. It starts draining all my bandwidth even if i'm in a game or using the internet on something more important to me. It starts without any alert and prevents me from using the internet.

The only way i found to fix this is to end task on task manager, but it starts again after a while. I have to end that task over and over again.

It's the most mediocre updating system that I ever knew. It would be much better to ask if I can do it before start or at least have an option to disable automatic updates.

This is ridiculous. I really like Dropbox but this update bug or bad design is ruining it.

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While I was writing the message the **bleep** virus like update of Dropbox just started again. I see no other solution than removing Dropbox again and wait for a fix. This is really sad. What a bad software design 😕

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This is crazy! Even with the Dropbox turned off and removed from the windows start the unwanted update still starts automatically draining all my bandwidth. Looks like I really need to uninstall the Dropbox to get free of this thing. It's worst than a virus. I hope you fix this or at least do like Windows, don't start the insane update on a metered connection, that's completely ridiculous. It's acting worst than a virus.

Dropbox Staff
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Hi again, we’re sorry to hear about this issue. 
Generally the Dropbox desktop application updates whenever it is needed, and closing the app doesn’t technically stop it, since other processes are running in the background.
Running the task manager on your PC should allow you to see the hidden processes, and you can close any Dropbox-related ones. This should stop the downloading, though note you’ll need to do each time you boot up your device as those settings aren’t saved.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the Dropbox desktop application cannot tell if you’re on a metered connection, using a cellular device via a hotspot, WiFi or ethernet to connect to the web. All it can see is that you have an internet connection, and so it begins to sync, download and indeed update the app itself.
Metered connections need to be setup through the OS itself, and depending on what features are available there, it could block apps from using the web during certain times. Other third party apps might also be able to help.
Since you haven’t said which version of Windows you’re using, I’m not sure if this will help, but you can enable a metered connection from the Windows settings using the steps on their site.
Hopefully this info should help you in future!

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I'm using Windows 10 Pro 64bit with metered connection turned on in the OS settings.

Dropbox Staff
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Thanks for posting your thoughts & additional details on your configuration here Paulgi, I understand the importance of the feature to you & I’d happily pass your interest & feedback up the ladder for future reference!
At this point let me re-iterate that the Dropbox Updater process must exist on any computer on which Dropbox has been installed & the desktop application will notify you if the helper process is unable to check for updates; i.e. this process must be allowed to run if you wish to install and use the Dropbox desktop application on that particular device. As my colleague has also mentioned above, this should run regardless of the network you’re currently connected on. 
I hope this clarifies matters in more depth & please let me know in this discussion in case you need further assistance. Thanks again & I’m wishing you a great Monday ahead! 


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so what now? just 2 weeks ago i had a lot of problems with Dropbox application due to an unwanted forced update in a system correctly setup for a metered connection.

i spent a few days without being able to use the internet because Dropbox was draining all my bandwidth, but i managed to complete the update. now it started again draing all my bandwidth like a virus.

since i wasn't expecting any large file to be shared when i'm on a place with a bad internet connection, i went to check and... again, the ridiculous update started.

i really like Dropbox, but this stupid auto update is higly incompetent. just add some option for those with poor internet conection to stop the ridiculous update. anyway, i can't even understand why i need a **bleep** update every 2 weeks in an application that was working fine and only fails when it is updating.

the auto update is the only thing that is like a bug. fix it please. it's hideous.

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this is insane. i just killed the stupid update on my task manager and the **bleep** thing just restarts while i was typing. what a horrible virus!
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