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Delete the old signature file not working. What can I do?

How do I delete signed documents from Dropbox?

New member | Level 2

How do I delete signed documents from Dropbox? Once it is downloaded I would like to get rid of it so I don't just have a pile of documents sitting in there. I'd rather it be "clean" so when I log in I am only looking at was it waiting for signature and anything I haven't downloaded yet. Thanks!

7 Replies 7

Dropbox Staff

Hey @TLK, thanks for posting your question to our Community today!


If the signed document is saved to your Dropbox, you can delete it, like you would any other file in your Dropbox account.


To do so, hover over the file name, click on the "..." (ellipsis) button that appears and then click "delete".


Let me know if you have any questions.

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2

Ff up question, the file is no longer on dropbox but it's still showing on signatures tab and still downloadable. Is there a way to completely remove a signed document? 


Here's a photo for your reference 

Dropbox Staff

Hey @qwerty0922, indeed, at the moment, there's no option to delete a signed document, but thank you for this feedback.


I'll make sure to pass this along to our team!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

My account is a free account with old signature files. I am on an updated mac. 

When I go to the more elllipse with the three dots it does not allow me to

delete these files, only allows me to download.

I have tried this on both safari and chrome browser.

How do I do this? Thanks

Dropbox Staff

Hey there, @MBCrosstrek19, let's see what we can find together here! 


When you say a "signature file" would you mind letting me know more? What is its file type? 


Is there any chance that this is shared content? 


Let me know more, ad we'll take it from there!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Explorer | Level 3

Hi Megan,

Its in my dropbox under the category signatures, file type pdf. Shared in the

sense that it was a requested signature from me, however they received these files

like 5 years ago and I would like to delete off of my account. 

Thanks, Mary

Dropbox Staff

Sorry to jump in here, @MBCrosstrek19.


At the moment, it's not possible to delete a signed document from the Signatures page on


If this file is saved to your Dropbox account, you can delete it from your All files page as normal.


I hope this helps!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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