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Dropbox ideas

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Can we have different plans / price points / data combinations / plan sizes?

Can we have different plans / price points / data combinations / plan sizes?

Michel L.
New member | Level 2

Hi, I find limited in the choices of subscription plans. Basic/free and Pro/110$

I'd gladly pay something like 25$ a year for 50GB and a 2 users family plan.

Considering iCloud have a 12$ plan for 20 GB and 48$ for 200GB, that seems reasonable..

Explorer | Level 3

Please introduce a Plan of 200 GB or 500 GB.

Explorer | Level 4

Can we please have 10GB or 20GB storage space with one-time payment only? Instead of making it into a monthly/yearly plan?
I would gladly pay for one-time payment for storage space in dropbox as I am only using it for office files. 

Experienced | Level 13

Please do something about it.

It's 2022, we need a lot more space.

Explorer | Level 3

With the "Plus" plan currently being the cheapest pricing plan that offers many functionalities and features that are unnecessary for a someone that only users Dropbox for it's cloud storage. I'd like a cheaper basic plan for personal use. 


500 GB Space, 1 User, 30 days File recovery and version history would be everything needed for such a basic plan. 


I love Dropbox because of the aesthetics, the cross-device functionalities and the overal user experience. But I can't justify to myself paying €11,99 per month just for cloud storage.

Experienced | Level 13

Please do something about it.

It's 2022, we need a lot more space than 2/3/4TB.

New member | Level 2
Boa tarde,
Eu sempre paguei plano de 1 T que servia muito bem para meu trabalho e fiz o upgrade para 2T sem querer. Gostaria que repensassem na volta deste plano pois é um tamanho que atende a mim e a todos que trabalham como eu com cinema. O dropbox é muito usado por nos profissionais ( façam uma pesquisa ) e infelizmente muitos nao estao co seguindo pagar ( pois depende da cotaçao do dolar) e assim deixam de ter uma ferramenta mto importante no nosso trabalho. Devo informar que muitas produçoes deixaram de usar dropbox e migraram para o google drive ( que eu acho horrivel) pois nem todos os membros das equipes tem condições de manter 2 T de armazenamento. E a versão abaixo ja é a gratuita que não serve para absolutamente nada.
Por favor repensem em voltar com o pacote de 1 T.
Se quiser maiores exclarecimentos podem me chamar que terei o maior prazer em explicar nosso trabalho no cinama nacional/ internacional.
Thanh Vo
New member | Level 2
I work for organization, use dropbox for contain doccument (word, ppt, some photo, ...)
I think that google onedive is better option because thay have many options (100 G, 200 G ...)
Drobox need to change to support customer and compete with other rival as google drive and onedive
Experienced | Level 13

Please provide more space options on Personal and Professional plans.

I need something like between 8TB to 16TB, ideally 18TB, so that I can have Dropbox for my entire drive + an archive of my TimeMachine at any given time + 2TB extra just for extra needs.

But I don't want Business because it sucks, you need to create a 3-user repository system with it which I don't like and defeats the point of single-use.

2/3/4 TB in 2022 is way too small for people like me working with large internal SSDs on Mac: graphic/motion designers, architects, music producers, engineers, etc.

Most of your competition is already providing more than 10TB space.

You really need to catch up asap.


New member | Level 2

I am using Dropbox for years. While prices are rising over the time (and space from 1 TB to 2 TB in the smallest plan), I never needed more than 500 GB. At the moment and in the next months I will never need more than 200 or 300 GB. Paying 12 € per month is definitely too much. What is necessary to convince Dropbox for smaller plans? Should I really convince all my collegues to switch over to another service?

dream fan
Explorer | Level 3

I'm a long-time Dropbox user and I trust them with important things.


I have about 22 GB of stuff across the free tiers in DropBox, iCloud and Google. Starting to edge near the free tier limits and I'm thinking about buying a subscription and consolidating my stuff. Google and iCloud offer 200 GB plans for $30 and $36 per year respectively. This is just the size I'm looking for - roughly 10 times my current usage.
Dropbox would be my preference; but, the closest tier is 2 TB for $120/year, much more than I need and can justify.
Can't help but think a lot of individuals and in the same boat and would gladly sign up for a 200 GB Dropbox tier in the $30-40 year range. I know I would.
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