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Enable searching EXIF metadata on website and mobile apps

Enable searching EXIF metadata on website and mobile apps

Stig N.1
New member | Level 1

Hi Dropbox and Carousel team,

I have been a faithful and long time user of both Dropbox and Carousel, but have recently switched to Microsoft OneDrive as my Cloud Drive provider. What I have experienced is that in some ways the Office Online integration is better than with DropBox, but apart from that, the hole experience is not as I have come to expect as when I was using Dropbox. But since I have got 1 TB for free, work, I would need new features from you guys at Dropbox, to make me return 🙂 ... and now back to my enhancement / feature request for Dropbox and Carousel, for both Apps and Website.

Please enable EXIF photo data search in the Carousel App, and hereafter on website as well 🙂 !!

I guess it would be a matter of extending the already implemented full text search in dropbox for include EXIF information. This would enable users of Dropbox, and specifically users of Carousel to be able to search on photos taken on a specific location, GPS tag, or date/year, or folder/album name.

Fellow Dropbox users, please vote on this enhancement request ! 🙂

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do! 
Status changed to: Closed
Explorer | Level 3

App is dead

Explorer | Level 3

Same here. We do a lot of photography and videography and Dropbox is simply the worst to get organised and have a nice overview over the images. I wish there was something like 'flickr' or 'google photos'.

Dropbox used to have a timeline... it's gone now. It's awesome to downgrade.

Helpful | Level 6
It looks like photowranglr is now - I've started playing with it. It lets you migrate everything from Dropbox online - I didn't have to download every photo and then reupload it.
Explorer | Level 3

We could definitely use this.  Looking to replace DAM with dropbox, but metadata is lacking.  Would love to see editable EXIF fields next to the 'comments' section when browsing dropbox web file properties.  This metadata functionality would ideally crossover with any EXIF editiing done locally in finder / explorer.

New member | Level 2
NEED metadata DropBox—to search and to keep capture times for multiple cameras, including camera information. It would be a no-brainer to save within the image file. Will try to zip all my files as one before uploading into a folder. This way the receiver can download the zipped folder then to unzip while preserving the metadata.
Helpful | Level 5

 EXIF viewer for Dropbox would be great. I need to know a photo's size but can't without downloading it.

Uwe K.2
Helpful | Level 5

Using the website to search through my account, I'm missing a feature:

I would love to have the search function to also look into JPEG metadata like:

  • Comments ("XP Comment" in EXIF)
  • Tags ("XP Keywords" in EXIF)
  • Title ("XP Title" in EXIF)
  • Subject ("XP Subject" in EXIF)
  • (maybe some others, too).

This would help me find images, since I'm using the metadata to store image information.

The Windows 10 built-in search does at least look into JPEG tags ("XP Keywords" in EXIF). Would be great if Dropbox does the same and better.

Dropbox Staff

Hey there @Uwe K.2 - thank you for this feedback!

We are always looking for user input regarding our website so I'll make sure your comments are passed along to our dev team. 

Let me know if you have any more feedback, questions or suggestions in the meantime and I will be happy to help!


New member | Level 2

It would be nice to be able to make a shared folder containing images that could be searched by the images metadata. If I eg. export and uploads a bounch of images from Lightroom which holds different keywords, credits and descriptions, and then share a folder for my clients. Then my clients could search my archive for their specific needs.

Could this be done?

New member | Level 2


I am wondering if there is any progress on this topis? I have thousands of photos in my folder and find it really hard to find anything as you cant search the meta data on there any plan to relovel this like on photos on an iphone? there must be so many people in this same situation! thanks mark 

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