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Option for personal password to open the Dropbox Passwords mobile app on iOS

Option for personal password to open the Dropbox Passwords mobile app on iOS

Explorer | Level 3


it would be good to be able to select a personal password to unlock the dropbox password app.

Currently it's locked by Face ID but I don't consider this enough secure to keep stored very confidential passwords (i.e. bank account).

The web version has the "phrase" lock/unlock and a similar approach should be available also for the iOS version.


Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed due to inactivity. 
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Dropbox Staff

Hey @cex - thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on this.


I just wanted to mention that the auto-lock setting is device-specific - would you like to have more than one options regardless perhaps?


Let us know more and we'll take it from there.

Explorer | Level 3

Hi, this is not really what I meant.

I'm referring to the possibility to define/select a dedicated password to open the Password app.

Currently on iOS it's protected by the iPhone password and access can be granted also with Face ID, which doesn't have a very secure standard to protect confidential info.

The desktop version already has this feature with the "pass phrase" protection.


Dropbox Staff
Thanks for clarifying that for me @cex 
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Status changed to: Gathering Support
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed due to inactivity. 
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