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Losing dropbox files that were deleted by shared users.

Losing dropbox files that were deleted by shared users.

Explorer | Level 3

I have shared files and folder with friends and family and after time passes they sometimes delete or move them and delete the folder.  The problem is that I have lost some very important stuff because it removes them from my computer and  I even tried it in the Family Room which is I assume for sharing family photos.  Any mistake by a shred person that my accidently delete a photo, the whole family will loose it.  I have searched the help center and it seems to be the case because there is no good explanation for this simple problem.  I would have to make duplicates of everything before I share it.

3 Replies 3

Super User II

@mrlagrange wrote:

I have shared files and folder with friends and family and after time passes they sometimes delete or move them and delete the folder.

If you share a folder and give people edit permissions, then anyone with those permissions can not only view and download files, but they can also modify and even delete them. If you don't want people to be able to delete files from a shared folder, change their permissions to view only, or use a shared link instead.


Explorer | Level 3

Thanks that was easy but I could not find that in the help center.  It should say "share settings"   The help center said


  1. Sign in to
  2. Hover over the file or folder you’d like to share and click the share icon (rectangle with an up arrow)."

I never could find the rectangle with an up arrow

Super User II

@mrlagrange wrote:

I never could find the rectangle with an up arrow



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