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Saving Paper docs to existing Dropbox folder structure/file-system.

Saving Paper docs to existing Dropbox folder structure/file-system.

liz g.4
New member | Level 1


A number of us have started using dropbox paper at work. We want to save documents that we create in paper to an existing Team folder but I can't see how to do this. Any ideas anyone?

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do! 
Status changed to: Delivered
Helpful | Level 7

It seems that Google Drive/Docs has found a way to do this (.gdoc files), so I imagine there should be a way for Dropbox to do it as well. It would improve Paper a lot to have its files be available with our complete folder (and Team Folder) structure...

Helpful | Level 5

Exactly my point! There's no need for a fileformat, just a link to the Paper "document" that can be placed within any Dropbox folder.

Helpful | Level 5

I think you consider the way google docs & google drive do. The google docs synced on PC is a url for opening the docs in browser.

New member | Level 2

I work with all sorts of file types, not just documents. Usually graphics files. Can I really not place Paper docs in with my regular Dropbox file folder structure? Is this on the roadmap? Can it / will it happen soon?

Dropbox Staff
Hi Sam, since Paper docs aren’t actually files of their own, given that they have no filetype and don’t sync to a machine, currently it’s not possible to place them in the normal Dropbox structure.
We are looking into ways to integrate Dropbox and Dropbox Paper together, though there is no timeframe as of yet, so I’ll add your voice to this request!
New member | Level 2

it's about the organization. I want the same folder structure to manage everything. docs and other files. I'm totally ok with editing the document in the cloud and not being able to work on it outside of the browser or offline, it's just having a link or a way to find it in the same structure. maintaining two folder structures is terrible.

New member | Level 2


I agree! We really need this. It makes a lot of sense - not sure why it wouldn't have been have introduced when paper docs were released. 

New member | Level 2

Please add me to the list of dropbox customers that see the need to have paper contained within the dropbox folder system.  Otherwise, I don't see a realistic use case for paper. As others have mentioned, you would gain functionality similar to google drive if you added this feature.  If not, paper will not receive significant uptake in use in my opinion as it is a rather pointless non-compatible product. Thanks

Explorer | Level 3

Add me to this request to consolidate Paper into the folder structure!

New member | Level 2

@mikaeljagelid wrote:

Coming from a Google Apps for Business environment, I'm used to create new documents within the folder structure.

I see that Dropbox allows me to create new Office files within a folder but not a new Paper doc. Is there a good reason why? I would like to have my team use Paper for notes, plans and other text-heavy documents instead of the bloated Word, but it's hard if the Paper option is perceived as less simple. Just the option to create a new Paper doc and place a link to that document in the Dropbox folder would do just fine.

1. Can I create a Paper doc (or link to a Paper doc) from within a Dropbox Folder?

2. If not, why?

3. What are best practices to work with Paper with a Dropbox folder structure?