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Non Licensed Admin Account

Non Licensed Admin Account

New member | Level 2

Hi there, I cannot find away to have a non licensed user have an admin account. In our instance our IT team needs to be able to administer Dropbox users etc, but without consuming an additional license. I can find no way to achieve this. Any ideas?

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff
Hey @jayroly, welcome to our Community and thanks for using Dropbox!

It's true that, currently, all members and admins of a Dropbox for Business Teams account will take up a license. For more information on the admin roles, you can have a look here.

If you'd like to show your interest in this, you can go ahead and upvote this idea, as I think it echoes your query here. 

Let me know if you have any other questions!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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