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My personal account was deleted

My personal account was deleted

New member | Level 2

My 10 year old personal account was linked to a team account for 3 weeks until it was removed 10 days ago.


Apparently, it's possible for the team admin to delete my entire personal account when removing it from the team account. So now everything I built for 10+ years is gone.


Or at least that's why I suppose my account needed reactivation and was then empty.


How do I get all my data back?

3 Replies 3

Super User II

Hi @Dragon_deleted_me 


When you joined the Team you became apart of that team - ie. you agreed when doing so that they then controlled your account. This is why on the onboarding you are almost forced into setting up a second account instead. 


Dropbox therefore did not delete your account - the Team Admin did. 


There is no way, at all, for Dropbox to restore your account - the Team Admin needs to. They need to restore your account and then rather than deleting you just remove you from the Team. However, note that usually this is only possible for 7 days after deletion. So, you need to speak to them quick. They may, however, have retained a backup of data as that option is given to them when deleting accounts as well. 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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New member | Level 2

Hi Mark,

Thanks for getting in touch.


This makes no sense at all. This needs to be flagged enourmously upon joining and especially upon removal from a team account. Or better yet, the function should be completely removed. Why have you not added a prompt for the user, so that no data can be removed from the account without explicit acceptance?


How is this even a function in dropbox?


It can't be difficult for you to keep the accounts separate and upon deletion of my team account access, restore my personal files.


FYI, my data is restored after getting in contact with the team admin (who btw was very surprised and in disbelief that he even could do that).


And how is it that all of a sudden, the team admin has access to my personal account!?


Have you even considered how this is re: GDPR?


I consider this a giant security risk of dropbox and will in the future use other services.

Super User II

There isnt really an issue with Dropbox here - you agreed to it, you consented to it and you told Dropbox to do it. What is the issue is that you were not following the prompts and instructions on the onboarding explaining the implications of your choices.  The admin also should know what they are doing as it tells them repeatedly what happens when they are removing an account. ALL cloud services which have business like systems such as this work in the same way, 


This is no different to you going to work for a company and being given a log on to their network/systems. Once you leave, it is removed. 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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