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I deleted the admin by accident. What can I do?

I deleted the admin by accident. What can I do?

Explorer | Level 3

I urgently need help. While distributing permissions in the home menu, I mistakenly deleted the owner=administrator permissions. As a result, the owner=administrator cannot access the main folder and cannot reassign the permissions. What should I do? Please understand that I had to use a translation site to ask this question because I cannot ask in Korean, so the sentences might be awkward.

3 Replies 3

Super User II

Can you re-add him? That should then let him do it


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Explorer | Level 3
i deleted me, the administrator. So when I try to grant permissions again, it says I don’t have access rights.

Super User II

You will need to get whoever now has Admin rights to re-add you to the Account.


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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