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Can't scroll through photos within a Dropbox folder when using the Windows Photos App

Can't scroll through photos within a Dropbox folder when using the Windows Photos App

Explorer | Level 3


This was asked in another thread in 2023, but there wasn't an answer. I thought I would try again.


I like to use the Windows 10 photo app to do a quick check on photos when I don't want to fire up Adobe LrC.

If I view photos from a folder other than Dropbox, I can scroll through all the photos in the folder using the next or previous button. (or keyboard right or left) If the photos are in a Dropbox-designated folder, I have to open each file discretely to view them. I can't scroll through all the photos.


It doesn't matter how I access the folder - as suggested in the other thread. If it is in the Dropbox-designated folder, it won't scroll.


As stated, I am running Windows 10 - all current updates.

The Dropbox version is 198.4.7615.

I don't think this was a problem at some point in the past, but I can't recall when it started happening. It's been several months, for sure.

Do you have any thoughts on reenabling the ability to scroll through photos in Dropbox?


Thank you!


7 Replies 7

Dropbox Staff

Hey @logogogue, thanks for reaching out to the Dropbox Community.


Just to check, if you quit/close the Dropbox application, does the issue persist?


Also, if you haven't already, make sure you restart your computer, to see if that helps at all.


Let me know what you find.

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Explorer | Level 3

Hello, Hannah.

I have quit the application, then rebooted, dropbox started, and nothing has changed.

I have quite the application, restarted dropbox app, and nothing has changed.

I have restarted my computer countless times since the issue started as I shut it down every night.

Dropbox Staff

Hey @logogogue - sorry to jump in here, but I believe Hannah was asking if the issue persists with the Dropbox desktop app completely closed on your 



Could you give it a go and let us know how it goes?

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Explorer | Level 3

Thanks for the clarification. After stopping the App, the same problem persists. I can scroll through images not in Dropbox but can not scroll photos in Dropbox folders. 

Dropbox Staff

Hi @logogogue, if you noticed that this behavior remains the same even when our app is closed, then that indicates that it's not Dropbox-related. 


If it was our app that caused it, the issue would resolve the moment our app was closed. 


Is it possible that you have many files within said folder? 

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Explorer | Level 3


I agree, this is most likely not a DB issue. I checked from another computer and I don't have this problem. So somewhere along the line, something changed where I can't scroll, but I can't find what could be causing it. I am going to give the ol' uninstall and reinstall the photo app op a try. 

Thank you!

Dropbox Staff

No problem at all @logogogue!


If you discover the culprit don't hesitate to let us know. Thanks!

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