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Re: How to change folder icons on Dropbox // Bring back the blue folder icons

DB website folder thumbnails - plain blue please - no photo collages

Collaborator | Level 10

I HATE the new photo-collage folder thumbnails on the Dropbox website.  👎👎👎👎👎

Not sure why anyone thought that was a good idea or why a content thumbnail is needed for a folder (especially since the photos that show up on the thumbnail aren't necessarily representative of the folder contents).

The random photo jumble/collage makes it very hard to differentiate a folder from a file/image.

Is there any way to change my folder thumbnails back to plain blue on the website?

Thank you,


P.S. Folders that only have subfolders are still plain blue on the website....maybe that's my solution.

Creating a separate level of folders, however, seems like a silly waste of time and space.

18 Replies 18

New member | Level 2

I also can't stand the photo previews. It's so much more difficult to navigate through the folders now as I'm distracted by the imagery instead of just looking at the folder names - which I also name in a way that tells me what it is without going into the folder. A lot of people who use Dropbox are very visually-driven people, so the chaos of photo collages has more of an impact. It definitely interrupts my work flow. 

Yara Gisela
New member | Level 2

Good afternoon, please, I would like to know how I can see the folder covers with the image of a folder again from the computer. I don't like AT ALL that when I open my Dropbox and see folders with collages of images or files inside. It is really uncomfortable to see that many files, it confuses and confuses more.


Before it looked cleaner and tidier to enter and see all the folders with the same cover which was the image of a folder. And the strange thing is that I get some folders like this and others with the update, which makes exploring the interface more uncomfortable. I hope I am explaining myself and that you please provide a solution.


I don't know if that's how I explain myself better: I CANNOT stand photo previews. It's much harder to navigate through folders now because I'm distracted by images instead of just looking at the folder names, which I also name in a way that tells me what it is without having to go into the folder. Many people who use Dropbox are very visually oriented people, so the chaos of photo collages has a greater impact. It definitely disrupts my workflow. Thank you in advance.

Explorer | Level 4

I agree!

Collaborator | Level 10

Since I started this thread I obviously agree. Please bring back the plain-old blue folder as an option for ALL folders in grid or large-grid view (not just folders that have only subfolders).

Thank you,


Helpful | Level 5

Can't stand the new "photo collage" look when previewing file folders. Bring back an option to switch to plain blue folders. This is super  distracting!!

New member | Level 2

Hi Walter - i agree with Judith and would like to submit my feedback as well. This change has made using Dropbox much more of a messy place when dealing with images should be simplified where possible, not made more complex (visually) with things like photo collage! 

Thank you,


Explorer | Level 4
I don't get the image for folder thumbnails, is this desktop only? I am using Android, and would actually prefer to have photos to help remember what is in each location.

Experienced | Level 12

Has there been a solution to turn this off yet? I don't understand forcing features onto customers. This is yet another bullet point on my list to discontinue my dropbox account, and I am (was) a die hard fan. 

Collaborator | Level 10

I just happened to be cursing the inane photo-collage folders when I got an email notice of this topic.  Glad this topic is still alive.  Such a simple fix to please so many. Dropbox, please bring back the simple and legible blue folders - at least as an option. Please reply if you agree.

Thank you!

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