Forum Discussion

TimL's avatar
Explorer | Level 4
8 years ago

Saver timeout on some files, no intermediate progress

I just implemented dropbox Saver on our site, and I'm having some trouble.


I tested with two files:


The first file is about 12MB and downloads from the provided URL to the dropbox account successfully in about 5 seconds.

The second file is about 20MB and times out after 5 minutes.


I manually tested both URLs (in incognito mode on Chrome) and both resolve properly.  The bigger file takes about 30-40 seconds to download from the URL to my laptop.


Strangely, when downloading the file that successfully downloads, I get a progress indicator every few seconds from the progress event.  The progress starts at 0, every few seconds I get another progress of 0, and then at the end I get a progress of 1.  It's never anything in between 0 and 1.  Is there a way to get decimals showing progress between 0 and 1, such as 0.25 when the progress is at 25%?


When I download the files from the server directly to my browser, I get a download progress bar in my browser, so I'm pretty sure the server is reporting the size of the file in some manner.


Here is my code for reporting progress:


    progress: function(progress) { 

        console.log("Dropbox Progress", progress * 100);



Thanks for the help!

  • Greg-DB's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
    Can you share the full error you're getting for the time out failure?

    For the progress issue, the expected behavior is float values between 0 and 1, so we'll look into it.
    • TimL's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      I tried it again tonight - with no code changes, with the same user account, the same dropbox account, the same files - and the timeout didn't happen.  Strange.  It concerns me that the behaviour is not consistent - and I'm not confident that this is resolved.  We'll wait and see.


      Let me know what you find out about the progress detail.  Thanks!



      • Greg-DB's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff
        Thanks! I'll follow up here once I have an update for you.