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Re: Apple Silicon (M1) Desktop Sync Compatibility

Apple Silicon (M1) Desktop Sync Compatibility

Helpful | Level 6
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Please can you upgrade the Dropbox app so that it works natively on Apple Silicon Macs (M1) without Rosetta.


Rosetta is not an option as it annihilates the battery.


This may be a duplicate of the below idea however that started for ARM processors in general and you haven't looked at it in 6 years so starting an Apple specific idea in the hope you see it.


There are also lots of comments on this thread to help support the case for demand: 

496 Replies 496

Explorer | Level 4
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This is crazy.  The M1 is the future of the Mac. Get compatible or get cancelled. 

New member | Level 2
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We are a large corporate customer for Dropbox and we are all Mac. Without this support, we are going to have to just shift to an alternative.

Helpful | Level 6
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You'd think advertising Mac as a supported platform then releasing a version designed for the current (and future) Mac hardware was a no-brianer and wouldn't need paying customers to vote it up to get it onto the 'to do' list!

I'll give it a couple of months or you'll loose my subscription to a provider that does work natively on my hardware.

New member | Level 2
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I pay for your service and I have been doing so for many years. I'm actually responsible for 4 different subscriptions. I am 100% positive if this issue is not going to be addressed I will be taking my subscriptions on Google, Microsoft or Box. This is a very poor decision on your end and actually says a lot about your company.


I also work for an Apple reseller and recommend your service many times a week, that stops today.

New member | Level 2
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The Dropbox support team is ridiculous, after 1 year of apple silicon this is what we get? Just cancelled my subscription…

New member | Level 2
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I can’t say I am a large enterprise user, so the people at Dropbox probably won’t care about me, but I have been a consistent user for 10 years. This response from Dropbox really hits me the wrong way and makes me want to test migrating my files to Google Drive, especially since I have unlimited storage provided by my law school.


New member | Level 2
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This will soon be the most upvoted feature request on Dropbox, yet they don't even want to share it with their developers? The status is still "need more votes". Why?


Tons of creatives are about to migrate over to the M1 platform with the recent MBP release. This user base will only grow in years to come. Shocking to see such neglect. 

New member | Level 2
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Interesting. I hope they know that when Apple fully transitions over to Apple Silicon, they have approximately 18 months before Rosetta 2 is turned off, thus forcing all programs to be upgraded or face no longer working on the platform.


Apple isn't behind the door or afraid of such moves as can be seen in the past.


New member | Level 2
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We wanted to move from oneDrive to Dropbox as it has better sharing/sync. I just like it better. But we are a Mac company. So it's not going to happen without M1 support (we are just exchanging all Macs with new MBPs). That's a total no-go.

Explorer | Level 4
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How is this still a thing? Native support should be an essential part of any software offering. With the M1 chip debuting around a year ago, this should have been something that had already been implemented. 

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