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Re: Can no longer open Dropbox files from Spotlight on Mac

Spotlight Search Doesn't Link to Files in Dropbox in macOS 13 Ventura

Helpful | Level 6
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After upgrading to macOS Ventura, I was prompted to upgrade to "Dropbox for macOS 12". I proceeded with that, it moved my Dropbox folder to ~/Library/CloudStorage and confirmed all was successful. Now when using Spotlight to search (I often type something like 'drawings folder' to open a folder called Drawings) the results in Spotlight show the Dropbox app icon beside the name of the item I want (rather than a Finder icon for folder or file). Hitting Enter or clicking on the result switches to Finder and does nothing, or sometimes will open the Applications folder and show the Dropbox app. It's not linking me to the actual file in ~/Library/CloudStorage. 


I have done the following and the problem is not solved:

  • Restarted
  • Ensured all files are available for offline access
  • Rebuilt the spotlight index
  • Unlinked Dropbox from this Mac, did a complete clean install of dropbox, performed the upgrade to v159.4.5870 and synced just one folder to begin

Nothing works. Any suggestions??

398 Replies 398

Explorer | Level 4
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I just tried your solution, but it didn't work.

I'm running Ventura 13.1 and Dropbox 163.4.5456

I did a fresh install but the issue persist: spotlight find files in dropbox folder but cannot open it.

Explorer | Level 4
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I upgraded to Ventura 13.1 and the issues remain.

Helpful | Level 5
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Same here. I tired unchecking whole mac hd from spotlight in privacy preferences and now files and folders are found and can be opened (also in Dropbox cloud storage directory). What is strange is that newly created files are also found in spotlight and can be opened… strange

Experienced | Level 11
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Hi, the same issue here. As Dropbox destination to save all the data was moved within Ventura to /Users/mp/Library/CloudStorage/Dropbox, Spotlight doesn't work any more properly. All the files I am working with each day are showed in a search, but there is a very thin Finder icon on the right side and these files cannot be opened, previewed or opened with +CTRL (if you would like to find where this file is saved). New start doesn't solve a problem. New index as well. Very frustrating!

Experienced | Level 11
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How can I uncheck a whole Macintosh HD in Spotlite under Vetura? This option doesn't exist any more?

Helpful | Level 5
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It works with me but there is a drawback of this solution - most apps are not found in spotlight anymore. 

Helpful | Level 5
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After the latest Dropbox update, I'm no longer able to open Dropbox files directly from Spotlight (macOS's file search function). I know this is due to a Dropbox issue because I can still open other files using Spotlight as long as they're saved locally, like on the Desktop.


What workarounds are there? Can I revert back to an old Dropbox version? This is a pretty significant QoL issue for my Dropbox usage

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @dalw, I'd be more than happy to look into this! 


Can you clarify the Dropbox version that you're using on your end? 


Also, do you have any screenshots that could demonstrate what you described, in order for me to have a visual too?


Keep me posted!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Helpful | Level 5
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Thanks - I'm using v163.4.5456. 


See attached screenshot for what I'm talking about. Generally, I can able to open files by using cmd-SPACE to search and then the arrow keys and ENTER to select and open a file. I can still do this for files not saved in the Dropbox folder, but not for files in Dropbox.


You can actually see in the screenshot which files are in the Dropbox folder versus which ones are not: if it's in Dropbox, the document icon is the Finder icon -- if it's not saved in Dropbox, the file icon displays normally. I believe this indicates some sort of permission-ing issue at the heart of this.Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 1.43.07 AM.png

Explorer | Level 4
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I have the exact same issue as dalw
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