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Re: Dropbox computer backup: how to undo?

Dropbox computer backup: how to undo?

Helpful | Level 6
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I uninstalled and reinstalled Dropbox because of some issues with syncing.

In reinstalling, I thought I clicked on "no, I don't want dropbox to backup my computer" but apparently I clicked wrong because it started a backup that I couldn't stop in any way besides using the Pause Sync option. 
So I let it back it up all the way and then turned off the automatic backup on the website, hoping it will delete the backup, but it didn't.

Now I have a backup of my computer on dropbox, which I don't want, and I can't just delete the folder because it deletes things in my computer too.
I tried with a couple of files, and deleting them in Dropbox deletes the original file, almost as if it's not a copy. 

It also doesn't take up any space on Dropbox.

This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, can you help me?


12 Replies 12

Paul C 2
New member | Level 2
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I have the same problem trying to stop / pause syncing and then followed your instructions to stop computer back up.  However, the Preferences section in my account does not show a Backup tab / option.  I also found that the instructions in your Help section on "How to stop and resume file syncing" did not match up with my account / dashboard.  Maybe those instructions are outdated, or other issue, but this is very frustrating.  Please check to send / post instructions that are current on stop file syncing and stop computer back up.  This would be appreciated with many thanks.

New member | Level 2
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After going through the same issue with iCloud I can empathize. Luckily I had a great techie at Apple who walked me through recovering my files. What I learned from the experience was to go back to good old external backup drives and store them off site. The myth of synching all your devices is just that, a myth. Until the user has control I am not being sucked in again. 


New member | Level 2
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This is the first message to Dropbox, also the last. Dropbox used to be the best tool for working files sharing, and now the worst. This "backup" function sucks. After long time learning, many times trying, I suddenly find the solution: Bye Bye Dropbox! There plenty tools over somewhere to do things I need.

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