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Dropbox embedder not working with /scl style shared links

Dropbox embedder not working with /scl style shared links

kevin g.1
Helpful | Level 6

Our site uses the dropbox embedder to display shared folder content with our users. The problem we're having is that the newer shared links that are created with a /scl url prefix won't work with the embedder. The older shared links created with /sh prefix work fine however. When a user with the /scl style link tries to view the embedder they are prompted to 'request access' which then sends us an email and notification that '<name> is requesting access.'  I've compared the meta data between the working and non-working links and don't see any real difference that would explain the behavior. I've also tested the non-working links in an incognito window to see if navigating directly to the link works (vs using the embeddder) and they work fine.  Is this a known issue? Anything else I should explore to try to get the embedder to work for these links? Thanks!

1 Reply 1

Dropbox Staff

It sounds like you're referring to a behavior for the new type of shared link when used in the Embedder. We recently made an update to address that, but it would only apply to newly created shared links. Please try with a new shared link and let me know if you're still seeing the issue with that.


If you are, please share a sample so we can check on it specifically. Thanks!

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