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Re: migrating from API 1 to 2 - how do I know if I have OAuth 1 tokens?

migrating from API 1 to 2 - how do I know if I have OAuth 1 tokens?

Bob S.15
Collaborator | Level 9

I am finally getting around to updating my OLD apps from the original Dropbox IOS API to the new one. I'm looking at the migration guide, and the first thing it says is to check my OAuth tokens to see if they are version 1 or 2.  How do I know which I have? 


Also, the migration guide describes using the "endpoint" /oauth2/token_from_oauth1 to transition old tokens.  So, I am coming to this from an ancient time -- what is an "endpoint", and is this 'token_from_oauth1' a function that you call from Objective-C in an iOS app?  The documentation page I'm looking at only shows Python, Java, Ruby, and PHP examples, so maybe I'm not looking in the right place.


Is this where I should start?  Is there a guide for upgrading an iOS app somewhere?


Also is this page current?  It dates from March 2016,  but then also there is a v1 deprecation warning at the top of it:





54 Replies 54

Bob S.15
Collaborator | Level 9

Hey Greg,


  Yes that worked, thanks!  


In the process of debugging this I went through all of my various simulators and devices, because I don't know how to remove the OAuth2 tokens once they are on there.  I ran the old app to get the old tokens installed, then ran the new one to test the retrieval.  Is there any way to remove the new tokens in order to re-test the transfer?




Dropbox Staff

Yea, you can use DBOAuthManager.clearStoredAccessToken for specific tokens, or DBOAuthManager.clearStoredAccessTokens for all tokens.

Bob S.15
Collaborator | Level 9

Ok, thanks Greg.


Also, when I use DBFILESgetMetadata, is there any way to tell if the path is a file or a folder?  In the old SDK there was an 'isDirectory' field of the metadata structure, but I don't see one for DBFILESMetadata. ?


Also, if it IS a folder, then how do you access the contents of the folder?  With the old SDK I uses a loop like this:

for (DBMetadata *file in metadata.contents)






Dropbox Staff

Bob S.15
Collaborator | Level 9

OK thanks, and how would you access the contents of the folder, is that included in the metadata or do you have to issue another call to get that?  Would I have to use listFolder?



Dropbox Staff
Yes, you should use listFolder (and listFolderContinue) to get the contents of any given folder.

Bob S.15
Collaborator | Level 9

Hey Greg,


  If getMetaData returns an error, how do you retrieve the error information from DBFILESGetMetadataError?    It looks like it only contains a path and a tag, and I can't tell what the tag is.  The docs say it represents the "union's current tag state", but it doesn't show any values.  Is there some other way to get information about why it failed or what the error is ?





Dropbox Staff
You can use the "is" methods to check which member of the error union a particular instance of the error is, then you can access the respective property for the specific error value, as shown here:

The documentation details which methods/properties are available for any given type, e.g., for DBFILESGetMetadataError:

Bob S.15
Collaborator | Level 9

Thanks for the reply.  I get that I can use the 'is' commands to check the error, but in the case of the metadata, there is a path and a tag.  The path is pretty self evident.  But what is the tag?  The docs don't seem to provide any details about what that is.  I'm just wondering in the case of an error, how I would go about determining the cause or reason.  The path I already know.  And it doesn't look like the tag tells me anything.  Does that make sense?


Dropbox Staff

The "tag" is the way the API describes which member of the union the object is. The SDK uses it to determine what the "is" methods return. So, you don't need to access tag directly, as long as you use the "is" methods.


To get the actual error information, use the respective field. For example, DBFILESGetMetadataError.path gives you a DBFILESLookupError, which itself has various "is" methods to tell you which error it was (and so on, for any further nested errors).

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