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Share a a file directly from Dropbox using Replay features

Share a a file directly from Dropbox using Replay features

New member | Level 2

If you have the Replay add on, I think you should have the ability to send "share via Replay" links from a file in dropbox. When using this option the file would be available in Replay automatically and sync with that file in dropbox for comments/changes. Versions could be uploaded into the same folder with a naming scheme. Bottom line, everything should be do-able within the dropbox app - everything from setting up folders, workspaces, versions, etc... leaving replay for the viewer experience, comments, and other forms of communication about the file. All file upload/download/versions/links should be integrated into Dropbox, so that file management can be done from the Dropbox side

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
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Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Dropbox Staff

Hi @jjdragon, thanks for messaging the Community!


Just to check, you're asking for this feature, but for normal files in Dropbox, without creating a project for them?


This will help me to assist further!

New member | Level 2

I think so? I guess you could think of it as me wanting to use dropbox as I have been, but with replay as the  media player when a client clicks on the file I send them. I'm sure there are a lot of ways to do this. Replay is great, but there are so many extra steps needed - adding files, copying folder structure, sending out replay links, managing the replay project. When IMO this could all be done via dropbox if there were a "replay folder" option in dropbox. Or a "sync this folder with replay" option. For more info. My usual workflow for dropbox is to create a client folder, send them a link to that, and create subfolders with different versions/revisions as we progress. These subfolders could have individual links to them if I'm bringing on other contractors - these contractors wouldn't have access to the main client folder. Now incorporating replay into the mix.... I can share individual files from replay but they're not put into the same folder structure I have.  I then need to match in replay the same structure I have in dropbox and send out new links from replay etc... Its redundant work especially since everything is hosted in Dropbox anyway. What makes the most sense to me is to have a checkbox on a folder to sync with replay or add to replay... whatever you want to call it. So as I add to the folder those videos become available, or like I mentioned I'd be more than happy for replay to open as the player for any video or audio in dropbox when I send out links to clients.

Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
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Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.
Status changed to: Gathering Support